Thursday, November 06, 2003

Well this has been a damn long day. Oh no, not just cuz it's the normal Wed 8am-7pm grind,'s also cuz of the fun fun health issues today. Let's start with the usual me bein super tired from gettin up at 7 and havin to drudge thru a 4 hr then 3 class class. I thought I'd actually have 1 of those rare days that I didn't fall asleep in class. Film class was OK, got thru it...couldn't keep my eyes open in theatre class. Dude next to me had to poke me with the handouts to pass them around cuz I dozed off. Nice.

K I had braces as a kid so my teeth are nice and straight except my last molars hadn't grown in yet til after I got my braces so yeah, they grew in kinda messed up (still don't even have my wisdom teeth yet, weird). So, the upper molar on the right in particular grew in kinda apart from the molar before it, makin this annoying ass gap. It's not far enough to be a big hole but it always always gets food stuck in there. And that pushes the teeth apart even more so it hurts. So I had lunch pretty much crammed in there and I busted out my floss in the bathroom. My friggin gums bled from it and I spat in the redness. I grossed myself out, like 'eeewwww, I spat a mouthful of blood!'

So I'm feelin tired still by the end of the day and I didn't feel like a coffee, decidin on gettin somethin diff. Thought I'd get me 1 of those energy drinks. Bought a Guru....don't ever try that shit! Tasted OK at first, it kinda grew on me but then it started gettin nasty. The way it tastes, you'd think it was alcoholic. It's kinda like Rev...but worse :P It's got that guarana or whatever in it. And I'm a complete dumbass and just kept right on drinkin it. I dunno why I found it so important to finish it. Thank god it was only 250 ml. Remember how pop used to be that size? I can't believe they were that small. Anyway, I really felt like I had been drinkin drinkin cuz I started to feel sick. So yeah, the bus ride home I was ready to hurl. Plus it was caffeinated so I kept feelin like I wanted to both burp and gag at the same time. SO close to pukin. *Shudder* Never again! But it did get my energy up...the energy to run to the fuckin bathroom! Oh and plus there was some woman sittin next to me with what just might've been the biggest shoulder bag I've ever seen...that was pink and furry. I dunno if it was fake or what animal was killed to make that purse but I think I was allergic to it cuz I kept sneezin up a bitch storm. And of course I didn't have a tissue. Add that to my stupid Guru nauseousness. Hmm, yeah, I've always wanted to try those...HELL NO, man!

That was the bitchin about me, me, me...P's goin back to NY tomorrow. I tried callin her today but guess she was out doin more bday things.

And Leafies won last night *claps* :) Sweet game! Ba-rawls!


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