Thursday, October 23, 2003

I'll admit it felt really really good not goin to either of my classes today :) Yet I was still up at 9 and home at 7 somethin. Chilled at G's for a bit, then we picked up L and went to school so G could do library biz, so I did get some work done. Very little cuz L was with me (had me doin her grad school stuff too) but still. Had a bigass coffee :D

By the time G was done tho, we missed all the matinees for The Rundown and Kill Bill. The shopaholics somehow worked it so we ended up at the mall again. I was starvin since I didn't eat anythin since 10 and they kept makin me wait til L could get her damn panzerotti from a specific place. But we got food and watched 28 Days Later at my place.

And I'm procrastinatin as we speak but to my defence, I'm tryin to fix my shitass printer...that still won't work...and now I have ink all over my fingers and probably a bruise on my bone tomorrow cuz I whacked my wrist on the desk pullin out the power cord. That's OK! I got til 5 pm tomorrow, I can dooooo it!


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