Wednesday, October 08, 2003

7:30 am's a drab, kinda chilly morning...I've had about 5 hrs sleep (took 3 naps in between classes, must be a personal record)...I'm not all that sharp in the mind. They tell you to always clean and put in your right contact lens first so you don't get the left and the right mixed up if they're different degrees. I swear that's what I did last night. Then I probably went and put the wrong case cover on (L went on the right, R went on the left, you get it)...then again, it doesn't really help when your contact case is completely symmetrical so you'd never tell you had just put your contacts in the wrong side if you flipped the case 180, no matter WHAT damn letter the cover says :P I was wonderin why somethin was just slightly off with my vision today. Figured it was just cuz they weren't perfectly centered on my eyeballs or they were kinda dirty. Hmmm...maybe it's cuz my right eye's worse than my left. Yeaaaah...I had the WRONG contacts on the WRONG eyes! I'm such an ass. And I was wearin them like that the WHOLE DAY, derr derr derr! Didn't realize til near the end of my last class. Geez.


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