Sunday, September 28, 2003

OK correct that last post cuz the woman called me back and got me a Mon trainin session so I CAN work! Yay! Monay monay monay! And I drank last night anyway :) Ya know, gotta celebrate good news LOL Oh and I've concluded that I don't take rum well so I won't be havin any of that no more. Tom Collins is my new friend...slower and efficient and still good, heehee.

And Milwaukee's is my new fav bar. I dunno why we haven't found it in the first place. We usually walk past it on the way to Havana and Croc Rock and I sometimes mention that we should go in and try it but of course nobody listens to me even tho time and time again proves that I'm always right about these things :) Then again, the crew's not really bar ppl, more into clubbin and even then we hafta drag G into it. So yeah, I was right, the place rocked and G got all excited about goin back. Which is weird cuz the other day I was just thinkin how there weren't really any college pubs and whatever downtown...or maybe we just didn't know them :P

2 floors, pool tables, lotsa places to sit, dance had me at hello! Well technically I guess it woulda been at "ID please" LOL But it was def after the $10 cover :P But woooo, cheap drinks! Too funny when L thought she tipped the waitress but didn't..."This is for you." LMAO!! But turns out she actually did. Had to be there. Anyway...

I dunno what was up with the guys in there. They apparently all had their girls with them but I kept gettin LOOKED at all night. And so many chances to have a cig...killin me here! But I still haven't had one, booyah that's will power for ya. And some dude who was gonna walk us to the car and was holdin my hand had one so I coulda gotten his whole pack if I asked LOL

Holy crap, I was so fuckin tired today. I slept like all day and I'm still yawnin. True, I went to sleep at like 4-5 but damn. Meen called me and asked if I wanted to go play tennis. Yeaaaah. The only good thing about goin to bed after you get smashed is that you're knocked out once your head hits the pillow :P And maybe it's just me but I since I get pink and hot in the face whenever I drink, I'm all warm and fuzzy when I get to bed LOL


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