Saturday, September 20, 2003

Saw new Mint Oreos and went *gasp*, what is THAT? Bought it. Ate about 1 and a half rows of it yesterday. Yup, I'm a big piggo. Well, I didn't really have much to eat so there. Actually, all I ate yesterday was pretty much crap...the Oreos, Pepsi, a Mickey D burger for lunch, and a Whopper Jr for dinner...and nachos and booze :)

Hurricane Isabel was nuthin last night so it was out for me. Hit up the mall, chilled at L's house, then we hit Jack Ass for drinks. I ordered a Zombie (stupid stupid! I don't learn!). For once and for all, I'm never gettin Zombies from anywhere but Havana cuz I dunno what the hell they make it with everywhere else cuz it's always wrong. Tasted off and it was yellow instead of orange. We got some tiny blonde waitress and it was pretty busy. She was so small and since we were in the bar room, there's bar chairs and tables and they're kinda high, and she's dartin every which way so we couldn't see where she was half the time and it took a while to flag her down to fix my drink. I asked her if this was a Zombie cuz it tasted like a Screwdriver and she sniffed it and said she smelled rum. Maybe it's me and I just can't tell my rum and vodka apart but it still tasted weird to me. But she took it back anyway. She brought another one and told me to taste it. She's like, look how I'm feedin you a drink, how romantic! LOL Oh man, they upped the rum in that one! It was like pure rum and pineapple juice, even tho it's supposed to have other shit in it too but I said it was fine. But it started tastin nasty at the end to the point where I was like shuddering. But my mouth was on fire from the friggin spicy chili shit on the nachos. It was like masochism LOL Take a sip, "Eee, nasty!" a nacho, "Ah spicy!"...take a drink, "Aw geez!"

I was playin around and I took off 1 of my rings and was like, L will you marry me? She goes, shut up, I don't wanna hear it LOL I make that sound that Kelso from That 70s Show makes when he's shocked and insulted. So rude!

We're walkin out to the parkin lot and I only glimpse a couple guys goin in walkin to the left of us. I didn't hear them say anythin. L's cell goes off and it's been ringin all night so I was just messin around and got mad at it so I was like, FUCK OFF! L and G gave me this look and I'm like, what? I was yellin at the phone. They're like, didn't you hear what he said? Apparently, 1 of the guys said somethin like, hey look at the pretty girls. And right then I had said fuck off. And I YELLED it too. So they all thought I had just screamed at this innocent dude like a psycho LOL Sounded like I was totally fed up with guys makin comments at me all night or somethin :P I felt so bad. I turned around and yelled Sorry! I didn't know! but they were already inside. He musta been like, fine BITCH LOL Terrible.

When I got home, I was just about to brush my teeth when the moms comes in and does the usual where were you, what've you been doin biz cuz I was out from 4 to 2. She stops and goes, have you been drinkin? I really didn't wanna get into it with her even tho I'm very legal and she's technically fine with me drinkin, she likes to segue into a lecture somehow with every and all subjects, so I'm like no. Even thru the nacho breath and the gum I was chewin to get rid of the nacho breath, she smelled booze. I dunno how. If you've ever had Excel Polar Ice gum, you'd know it's strong enough to clear your sinuses. Anyway, so she's like, you're lying LOL Turns me around to look at me. Yeah my face was pink. Dammit LOL OK she called me out, oh well. I said I had a bit. She ended by sayin how I should watch that a bit turns into a lot, basically warnin me about becomin an drunken alky. Good lord.


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