Thursday, September 25, 2003

Didn't fall asleep in any classes today, go me! Then again, I had a big ol coffee.

We went to the coffeehouse (the 1 with the comfy chairs upstairs :D) the other day. The stuff we wrote on the windowsill's still there LOL Ick, I hate that smell that gets all on you and your clothes. It's not a coffee smell but a coffee shop smell. Know what I mean?

Me and G were drivin home and saw a dead skunk in the road. It's not a shock to see roadkill around here. K it's a squirrel, it's dead, it's just lyin there...but this thing was SPLATTERED. I saw friggin guts. I think I'm traumatized cuz I can't get that gross image outta my mind. And of course it smelled like hell...not like carnage but like skunk. G's car seems to let in all the nasty smells even with the windows up so we always know when a skunk's been around :P

I wanted to work for election day again to get paid but it's on Thurs next week and I have class. But I can always skip right? Then again, I still hafta send out some form for me to work for them. Dunno how I got in last time, Meen got me hooked up. It's some sweet 1 day and get like 100 somethin dollars. It's a longass day but ya just get it over with. I remember goin downtown with Meen's peeps all in the van at some sicko early hr and not gettin home til like 2 the next morning cuz we couldn't find a gas station that was open. But I made some mon-ay! :)


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