Monday, September 29, 2003

K, shouldn't be so quick to celebrate again :P Stop toyin with me! Went to trainin today but we're supposed to come in Thurs morning to see if they need us anywhere for us to work. At least I'll get paid for trainin! I just hope I'll get put somewhere close, esp since I dunno if I get the car and I sure as hell dunno my way around anywhere but my own hood LOL

I got Lionel to drive me today :) Love you! Too bad it's not the boat no more, that ride had some memories. But hey, a Civic is not bad at all. Lionel's car is the only one I can smoke in...had the cigs, had the smoker's car, gotta love it. I had my cig out the window a bit and got bumped so I ashed all over the place and the cherry fell off in the car! I'm like, fuck! I'm gonna burn a hole in my ass and go to trainin like that. I had to pickin the fuckin thing up with my bare hot hot! Almost got burned. And I kinda charred the seat :P I really shouldn't have been smokin anyway cuz I got a sore throat. Stupid L gave me her germs! I woke up the other day and my throat was hurtin but I was thinkin how the hell did I get a cold or whatever, she didn't cough on me or anythin. Then I realized, dammit! She put her fuckin mouth on my straw!! LOL Forgot we shared drinks on Sat :P

There was some cute guy in the lobby where I was waitin for Lionel to pick me up. He looked a LOT like Matt, my sis' bf. Is that wrong? LOL But I'd never...and I don't think he has a brother. That'd be weeeeeird huh? Us both seein guys that look like eachother.

I found a bruise on my back right on the spine and I have no idea how I got it. Figured it's a bar bruise and somebody musta elbowed me on Sat or I banged into the drink rail or somethin. That's grace and elegance.


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