Saturday, October 04, 2003

Since this has been a crazy week and my internet's been down, this gon be some long post. I've pretty much been home only to sleep. So yeah I'm stayin in on a Sat night cuz well, I'm bein good to myself LOL Yeah that's it. Nah, I've been sick and goin out last night was nuff for me.

K the thing about election day work...yeah I got it. They said to come in at 8 in the freakin morning and bring all your stuff with you, like lunch and dinner if you were to be workin after all. I came in 15 mins late and thought I'd be screwed but the whole room was packed with ppl waitin anyway. You were supposed to wait til they needed more ppl. It was like some cattle call audition, it was nuts. The lady came out with a position and location and you had to shoot up your hand if you wanted it. I'm like, I dunno this area and I dunno my directions all that great so I'm not gonna fight these ppl for it :P I knew you had to wait for a bit, maybe til like 9 or 10 when the polls opened but I didn't figure you were supposed to wait there til you got a job so I was there for like 4 hrs LOL Technically you could leave if you wanted but then you wouldn't get work. And the lady's like, well if you ppl don't start takin these positions, you're not gonna get anythin. But ppl were goin for positions so the crowd started tricklin out and I was just waitin for somethin decent. No way in hell I was goin up north or takin the DRO job, I'd fuck it up for sure LOL So I'm sittin there with like 30 other ppl at this point with the possibility that I might hafta go to class after all. The lady said to eat lunch now while you can cuz if we got in at lunch hr, we wouldn't get the chance to. That scrawny sandwich was all I had to eat ALL DAY, breakfast lunch and dinner. So I'm fallin asleep, tried to read some boring book for school, lookin out the window (preeeeddy horizon). The lady comes out again and says poll clerk at BA. I'm like, hmmm poll clerk yeah...I've been to BA a couple times for bball in hs so what the hell, and volunteered. No idea where BA was tho, forgot from all those yrs ago :P But the directions were pretty easy and not far so, score. Long story short, it was some madness. I can't believe I kept awake. But thank god it wasn't as messed up as last time. I didn't get home til like 10:30 or somethin but actually didn't take like 4-5 hrs to count the ballots, balance, and trek home. It's no way in hell a fun experience but it ain't bad at all, put in your day, get paid pretty decent and it's over. The sweet part is that with my position, I still get paid for the whole day even tho I started at 1 :) So all that waitin and sittin on my paid for it LOL

So that was Thurs. Tues we rented some movies and spent more friggin time downloadin shit at G's cuz L's incompetent but determined to burn those damn songs of hers. Watched Bulletproof Monk (shot in T.O., you can so tell but I'm still proud) and that Elijah Wood/Mandy Moore flick that used to be called Try Seventeen, don't remember what's it's called...What I Want or somethin like that. The only kick I got outta that one was when he was givin his ID to buy beer and said he was 22, turnin 23 in Dec...dude that's me! LOL Anywaaaay...Wed was class. I had to get up around 7 am and put in full days 2 days in a row, any idea what that does to me?

Fri was L's cousin Sandy's bday and they were gonna go clubbin so we went too. I've been out with Sandy a couple times before and she's cool, but L woulda made me go anyway :P Even tho I was sick and it was icky rainy out. LOL I'm fulla stupid decisions when it comes to my health. The smokin on Mon killed my sore throat, the sore throat turned into some vicious sore or some nasty thing like that at the back of my mouth, then I got a stuffy, runny nose (which I don't get, if your nose is all stuffed up, how can it run?? :P), then this hardcore cough. I horked a terrible soundin one at work Thurs and the area manager was like, oh my do you have bronchitis? Anyway, I thought we were goin to Lotus last night but it was Plastique. I was like, OMG anywhere but there. If you even say the word Plastique, everybody would just be like ugh. I was talkin to Meen while we were drivin downtown to see if she could opt out on the school's crapass health coverage plan for me cuz my net was out, and I told her where we were goin and she's like, ew LOL Any club that Z103 does live-to-airs, I don't like...and they're all P's too...Plastique, Paparazzi, Palazzo...please. They always keep you waitin in line for a longass time even tho there'd be NOBODY inside. Bastards at Pap's, I still remember freezin my toes off for that shithole. They're total gino joints with the freestyle and euro and I was just rollin my eyes at the thought of bein there. After all that time of vowin you'd never catch me goin to Plastique, there I was. All I had on was my friggin hoodie jacket waitin in line. But we saw everybody when we were just about to go inside. I will give props tho, for the no cover :) Ladies are free but guys are friggin $15, crazy. But I'm not a guy so hey. It was actually alright...kinda small but the music wasn't as shitty as I thought. They had 2 floors so there was some hip hop upstairs.

Since I was sick and it was all blah outside, I wasn't really in the mood for clubbin esp if they were spinnin the gino beats and I had to lounge there without a drink or a smoke. So I just threw on some black pants, a 3/4 sleeve top (I was gonna be cold!), and the wrong shoes cuz I didn't care much what I was wearin, and no makeup except eye liner. Who was there to impress? The gino boys? LOL Figures I was totally gettin the eye that night anyway :P It was some guy's bday and his buddy asked if we'd take a pic with him. He wasn't bad! I asked him how old and he said 23...too cute! :D So me and G are on some dude's digital cam LOL Some other guy was cruisin us for most of the night cuz he kept comin around again and again givin the look and tryin to start somethin. Like, dude we just SAW you 5 mins ago LOL And I didn't realize it then but I think I got kinda got the moves put on me by some chick LOL I was done with L's bottle so I was lookin for somewhere to put it on the bar behind me and this girl standin by it accidentally bumped me a bit and she probably thought I turned around to see what jerk hit me so she was all, I'm sorry, I'm sorry and put her hand on my back and looked at me for a while which I thought was kinda weird but I figured she was faded and just tryin to figure out who she was lookin at LOL I'm like, it's OK and hardly looked at her cuz I was tryin to look for space to put the bottle down :P

Anyhoo, half decent time. Sandy, my god, she can put 'em away for such a small chick. L wanted to buy her another drink...

"What're you drinkin?"
"This." *holds up her glass*
"Yeah but what're you havin?"
"This." *holds up her glass again, like it was the dumbest question ever*
LOL "OK but what IS it?"
LOL "OMG, what drink do you want?"
"Holyyyy crap! What is that? Sex on the beach, what?"
"Sex on the beach, yeah!"
"OK! Geez." LOL "Now RA-lax."

She had like 5 or 6 and that wasn't countin whatever she had at dinner...and she was still standin at the end of the night, talkin like she was stone cold sober.

What's even more messed up is when we dropped L off, she forgot her keys. She swore up and down that she brought them with her and we looked all over for them (then again, she's also the paranoid fuck who's always freakin out she's lost her cell or her wallet) but found nuthin. Then we get to my house...damn, where's MY keys? I didn't bring them either! LOL Son of a bitch. Which is so weird cuz I never forget them. And right then, of course my cell's battery's dead so I can't call the house. I ran back out to the driveway and friggin G's already jetted. I'm like, ah fuck. Gotta ring the doorbell. The rents loved that. Dunno if they were both still up (at 3, why I dunno, they know better than to wait up for me, even to lecture) or I woke them up, but I just greeted them with a "Sorrrryyyyy!! *grimace* Forgot my keys! *innocent grin* LOL And my stupid annoying doorbell isn't just some simple "ding-dong". It's a sing-song-y DING DONG DING DONGGG...DING DONG DING DONGGGGGG! And that's just if you press it once.


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