Saturday, October 18, 2003

This has been some interesting weekend. And it's all good :)

Thurs after class, I get the old call if I wanna do somethin. Surprise! P's back from NY!! Came home just in time for L's bday. Crazy. That girl is pure jokes.

Fri was wicked. It was madness havin to get ready at like 4:00 then hit up the mall to get L's presents (we all love last min shoppin don't we? LOL), then callin everybody else up to make it to dinner. Ah man, it woulda been SO sweet if we found that friggin Patrick balloon! LOL But we settled for Nemo...and yes, we walked around the mall with it on a stick.

Dinner was some good times. Lionel, P, Vick, Pris, and Nat all came. Which is amazing cuz everybody's either away at school or busy with work and shit. Al that punkass didn't pick up the phone all night, probably sleepin since gettin off work. I think we were the loudest bunch in whole place, and it didn't help that our bigass table was in the middle cuz everybody was lookin at us. The waitress noticed all the presents and asked if it was somebody's bday and we said it was L's. Didn't ask for the bday treatment or anythin. End of dinner came and alllll these BP ppl came out with a piece of cake, clappin and singin. We all knew what'd happen on bdays at restaurants so L was just sayin before that she wasn't even gonna leave the table to go to the bathroom cuz that's when we'd ask them to do some stupid bday stuff LOL Then she goes and says, how come you didn't ask them to sing for me?? LOL You said you didn't want them to!! What a nerd. But she got hers anyway :)

Lionel and Pris didn't come to the club after and we bounced downtown without Al. Me and L moved down 1 level with the club gear...we busted out with sneakers LOL We're like, hey if we get away with the jeans, let's see if we can get in with the kicks we're wearin. Not like it matters, cuz we're girls and they don't care and it's not like they're really lookin at your feet esp if the bottom of your pants are pretty much coverin them anyway. Pure comfort, baby. None of this tightass skankwear or killer bitch boots biz LOL But still, we were sportin some pricey Skechers so we were stylin LOL

I think we're hittin G Spot too much tho. I know some ppl hang at the same spots cuz they like it but I can't do that cuz I'll just get sicka the place. It's still fun but I dunno, time for a diff spot. Can't please this group, man...goin back and forth from the rooms cuz Nat doesn't like hip hop and P doesn't do house :P

I had nuff drinks but I didn't get anywhere near drunk or sick. Which I'll take as a good sign cuz I still got kinda buzzed to have a better time. L was too funny, she didn't even have that much even tho we bought her a few but that lil bit makes her wild out. I can't wait for that 1 day when she says she's gonna get smashed and actually comes thru LOL She'll get CRAZY. And I'll be laughin my ass off.

We were drivin up to L's house to drop her off when we see this black and white thing waddlin up her driveway. Of course G totally didn't see it. L's like, OMG skunk! G braked and was like, wha? Where? What? Guess it was attemptin to what looked like a run cuz the headlights were right on it and it went under 1 of L's cars and they all SCREAMED LOL Dunno, maybe cuz it was gonna stank it up from underneath? :P We just sat there in the car watchin where it was goin. Then it went under the 2nd car and they freaked again LOL Had to be there. It was so stupid and yet so hilarious. L would not get outta the car til she was sure it was nowhere near the front porch. I'm like, just run into the house. She's like, but I have all that shit in the trunk to carry. And I'm sorry but none of us was gonna get out and stand in the yard, even if it was her bday LOL So I had to get out and play lookout under the cars while she got her presents and got her keys ready as if she was gonna get mugged. Then she dashed to the door and I yelled, RUUUUN!! SKUUUNK!! GO GO GO!! LOL I don't think I've ever seen her get in the house any faster.

Golden Griddle...all-day breakfast, yeaaah. Good thing cuz the morning thing ain't happenin.


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