Monday, November 03, 2003

This weekend was off tha hook! Halloween was fun as always. It's the 1 day when you can act/look/be stupid and nobody cares, gotta love it. And goin downtown, you know you're gonna see some crazy shit. Lemme tell ya, it was some bitch of a time gettin this stuff sorted out. L had to work that night but didn't think of tellin me that plus havin work at 8am the next day too. So I had to pull all this organizin shit to see what was goin on. I called like 10 ppl about what they were doin. Nobody was down for trick or treatin with me :( Meen was bout to go with the lil kiddos and Mo but me and G were still at the mall gettin P's presents. But it's OK, my bro went for me LOL

I was thinkin of goin with Al but they were hittin up some latin dancin club and I'm not into the latin beats and such so we figured we'd go down with them but hit up a bar or somethin nearby. I finally got a holda L and told her to make it after work and we're callin back and forth and she's givin me all this trife. The gist of it was somethin like: I'll probably be off at 11 maybe earlier cuz it's dead...Call us when you get out...Ahhh, I don't think I'm gonna go, go without me...Fuck you, don't trip...But we're still cleanin up here, I'm not gonna get out til late...Just shut up, we'll wait for you. Long story shorter, she made it after all. Dumb chick :P

So I was chillin at G's writin in P's bday card, downloadin and burnin my fly ass hip hop CD ("I am a DJ!" LOL), and decidin what to be/wear. I'm like, if we're goin to a club/bar, we gotta dress up. Tellin these ppl to get into the Halloween spirit and come up with costumes is work, man. We just went as we was last yr so I dunno, I just got excited this time. Maybe cuz I was all mad a couple hrs ago cuz I thought nuthin was happenin and I wasn't gonna go out for Halloween. Sarah went as a hippie to school that day and I realized earlier when I was rummagin thru my old dresser and came across some crazy top that I'd NEVER wear out that looked kinda hippie-like that'd work. I'm like, yo let's do it...we'll be hippie sisters! LOL If you knew G, you'd know she was, awwwww no LOL But me and my persuasive charm, I got her to do it...DUDE! It'll be SO hype! Hippie chicks, come on! You HAVE to! So she tried on Sarah's get-up and I'd get my top, super flare jeans, pink sunglasses, and my mom's old '70s suede-y vest thing and there we were in our ghetto/cheapass/last min/what-have-you Halloween costumes.

Then there was all this drama about L and how she NEEDED a costume if me and G had one. G got somethin else to wear but was debatin on that (ya HAD to see it, if I had a pic OMG) or bein a witch. I won't get into all the rest of it since this post will be long enough. So we settled on givin L Sarah's stuff and G would go to Shopper's and get a witch's hat since she had some witch-like black dress to wear. So we went to pick up L and got all geared up. Me and L put on all this trinket stuff on our wrists and necks and I wrapped a silk hankerchief around my head and we put some flower belt thing around L's. Funny as hell. I'm like, careful we don't look too much like Pocahontas LOL esp since L braided her hair.

By the time we got downtown, it was like 12:30. It was madness. Seein Spiderman and Wonder Woman and sailors walkin down the street was too good. We got some double-takes cuz we looked normal ridin around but then we were wearin coloured sunglasses at night with shit around our heads. It was peace this and peace that LOL

We hit up Croc Rock. Since Halloween landed on a Fri this yr, free for ladies! :) We were gonna go to Milwaukee's too but it was late enough as it was. I know it had nuthin to do with Halloween but of course I got some freaks on me. Oh and the "Love, peace, and sex" dude..."Love, peace, and harmony, not sex." LOL

And what's bein from the '70s if ya don't got the weed? LOL Some rolled up pieces of tissues works too LOL! You'd think me and L were on somethin tho. "Right thurr, right THURR!!" LOL The ppl walkin on the sidewalk ahead of us musta thought we were fucked. Then L kicked me in the ass so I ran after her and she screamed like she was bein raped or somethin and a couple turned around to see what bloody murder was goin on. They looked like they were really thought someone was in trouble and when they realized it was just us bein stupid, they gave some dirty look LOL I lost my voice that night. Fun times.

It was crazy on the roads. We saw like 3 accidents that night, 1 major one on the highway at 3 in the morning. We were like, we're not gettin home. Ppl were reversin up on the RAMP to get outta there.

Sat was good too. P had a big party dinner thing at her house. Almost everybody came except that rass Tasha, plus all of P's cousins and her family. They set up the basement all niiiice...peach and pink matchin everythin LOL We had drinks and dinner and 2 cakes...which we snuck some more of from the freezer later :D G kept gettin scared she was gonna get trashed on the 1/3 of her Malibu and Coke cuz she had to pick up her sisters later LOL "Am I red yet? Am I red yet?" Actually L's was better..."How face is my red?" LMAO And I didn't get sick, blam! I mixed them up too. Had a vodka and coke, coke and some strong ass spiced rum that you can taste for DAYS, and vodka and Sprite...which I also put purple and yellow frosted cake flowers in and stirred with my blue drink umbrella LOL Don't ask. It turned some gross colour, it looked nasty, it really did but I drank it anyway.

But I wasn't gone. Yeah! Al almost tipped over the chair and fell over til Pris grabbed it and Mike fell outta his laughin his ass off. He looked normal enough just sittin there and P kept askin him if he was OK or if he was tired and then he goes and busts out like he was crazy. She's like, wo, feelin the Malibu now! Oh and Al brought us shot glasses from Bahamas :)

Vick, G, and L bounced early but the resta us stayed and chilled. We were talkin for long time about randomness. It was so wicked. "Hey guys! *suck back spit*" "Ghostwriter, whaaaaat!" "You asked if I MADE the rolls and I did!" LOL We totally forgot to get P to open her presents :P

Yesteray all I did was clean up my room but that's still a good thing cuz now it's vacuumed and organized. It wasn't all that messy but I had shit in the closet from since I was 13 that I had saved for some dumbass reason. I just had so much CRAP. Clothes are finally put away. I still hafta throw out the liquor bottles and these random boxes(?) I kept :P

I got a call on Sun at like noon and I'm like, what fool is callin me at this time? Everybody knows we had P's party last night. It was Canadian Blood Services and I'm all, wha? Who? :P They were askin me if I could give blood again, but I had my tattoo done again in Aug so, sorry! I was just like, damn, they somehow still have my number from all those yrs ago? Anyway yeah, so in conclusion...good weekend! LOL


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