Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Hey I realized it's my blog's birthday...it's 1! Awww! LOL Wow I've been bloggin for a yr. I suppose a lot's happened...a lotta exciting stuff? I dunno LOL Yeah I think so. But even if crazy shit happened, it's better than nuthin right? That's my theory anyway...stuff can be bad and stuff can be stressful but at least life won't be boring that way :P

The concept of Average Joe is SO mean...but so damn funny. I love it. There's way too many shows to watch at the same time, damn the networks. Me, L, and G all hafta coordinate our tapes to catch everythin LOL Addicts, yes. Oh and did I mention Matrix Revolutions tomorrow! And it's also P's actual bday. I got class til 5:30 so we'll see what the deal.

L, I can't believe I forgot Biggie's "Juicy" on my CD. Fuuuuuuck. Why didn't you tell me? Grrrr LOL

Well I'm out to watch the Leafs game.


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