Thursday, November 13, 2003

I wanna see Elf! "Buddy the elf, what's your favourite colour?" LOL The bitches saw Matrix Revolutions without me. Bitches.

Well I got my presentation over with today. Damn, I was gettin nervous...haven't done presentations in a while. Esp since I was wishin I sounded like I knew what the hell I was talkin bout! I only got all my shit together last night :P And I skipped film class this morning too, heehee. I went to sleep too late, man. I was like umm...we'll see, if I happen to get up in time, I'll go but since I didn't, I didn't. Figured it was good for me since I wouldn't be all sleepy-eyed and tired by theatre class time. I think I did fine..but doesn't matter, it's over and done wit! I figured it might look a lil better if I got a book of 1 of the plays that my theatre company was doin so I decided to hit the library quick before class started. Of course every single computer in there was bein used and all I wanted to do was look up where the damn book was in that stupidly complicated shelving system in all 5 floors. So I'm goin up and down in between floors lookin for a free computer so that wasted time and when I went to check the book out, I forgot I had to 'make' my sessional card a library card. In other words, get a library person to pick a barcode sticker on it. So I had to wait behind this fool in the express line (who wasn't bein so express!) and then get into the other line. *Sigh* As if I wasn't workin myself up stress-y enough. If it was any time to have a cig, it would've been then. But I'm past my want-it-but-don't-NEED-it-need-it phase, GO me.

It was pretty nice out the day anyway. It said it was supposed to rain but I was like pshh! Does it look like it's gonna rain? Yeah so it thunderstorms by the time I'm gettin home (I had nuthin with me and I was bored so good thing I didn't return my book already...yup, I was readin Jacob Two-Two on the bus LOL) Anyway, at least I had my shirt hoodie :P Just as I'm gettin off the bus, Meen calls me. Why did I answer it, you ask? Cuz I have this weird instinct that if I hear my cell ring, I answer it. She kept askin me where I was, if I was home yet, which bus was I takin, all the while I'm gettin rained on. "Are you goin home? How close are you? Are you almost there?" "Yes, man! I'm home right now, I'm right here! Dude lemme call you back, I'm in the rain!" She laughs. "Aw, you're already home then? OK, talk to ya later." Crazy chick. But the 20 secs it takes to walk to my house from the bus stop, I got the bottom of my jeans all wet. And my phone.

Got my hair did. This happens like every time I cut it but, I'm already missin the length. Kinda changed up the layers...s'allllllllllriiiiiight ;)

I emailed Jason cuz I found out he'd been home this whole time and neglected to inform me of this. He said he's been super biz. The guy friggin flew down to Seattle for a Microsoft interview today, GEEZ. What a nerd LOL No I'm kiddin, he's the type of person who's gonna go places, no doubt. And he so deserves it, all the stuff he's been thru. Good for him. He just better find the damn time to hang with me sometime, grrr on him LOL Aha! J'll go see Matrix with me! :D


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