Friday, November 14, 2003

What to say but that it was mad windy and fuckin COLD yesterday. Oh and I got a 55 on my film exam/essay. Grrrr, I'm so sick of this school bs on the shit I hafta write. Elaborate this, explain that, what does this mean, and how did you come to this...fuck, man! It's like a kid askin you why why why after each answer you give them. Honestly, you get graded on what they want as a high quality paper but it's not good enough unless you totally dumb it down and spell every lil thing out til it's bleeding, like the reader is retarded. Anyway, I don't care LOL The prof kinda got mad at the class. At least a buncha other ppl did just as bad or worse :P Ah well, do better on the next and last one! You know what I was thinkin? Even if I do worse than a C in this class and I do crappy on my other courses and it all brings down my average, does that even matter? Cuz I'm in my last yr, they can't say I can't continue in honours. Even if I'm not in the honours program anymore, I don't really care that I graduate honours or not. So there. Ha, there's one up on you, bastards!


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