Tuesday, December 09, 2003

I haven't done a survey thingy in a while...as if I don't make these posts long enough LOL Well! No one's online to talk to me and I need somethin to do! :P

Do you have a cell phone?: Yes

If yes, what color is it?: Blue and black

What do you eat for breakfast (usually?): I don't eat breakfast cuz I'm never up in time for it...so it's whatever lunch is I guess

Do you go on Instant Messenger a lot?: Not as much as I used to

Who do you talk to the most online?: It's always someone diff

Who was your first best friend?: Cathy

First boyfriend?: Dennis...I made him kiss me in the closest, I was a kindergarten SKANK! lol

Favorite subject in school?: Gym

Favorite thing to do on a Friday night?: Go out

Do you do any arts and crafts? (if so, what?): I draw sometimes...and do stupid crafty things like those paper models of famous monuments when I'm super super bored

Do you prefer pink or purple?: Purple

How about a driver’s license?: Yup

What color is your school bag?: Blue

Would you describe yourself as tan, pale or in between?: In between *shrugs* but probably more pale cuz it's winter now

Have you gone to any concerts?: Hell yeah

Do you like taking photos?: Yeah, I'm a kickass photographer :)

What was the last thing you bought?: Breakfast yesterday (I'm only callin it breakfast cuz it was pancakes, even tho I ate it at 6 pm)

Last thing you ate?: Pizza

Last thing you drank?: Water

Last thing you read?: The newspaper

Last movie you watched?: In the theatres? Elf

Last song you listened to?: I Give, You Take by Maria

Last time you were sick?: A month or 2 ago?

Last homework you did?: My friggin film final essay

How does your hair look?: Wet

Do your friends annoy you sometimes?: Yes they do

Do you wear sunglasses when its sunny out?: Always

Who was the last person you had a sleepover with?: G, last night

Do you prefer pencil or pen?: Pen

When was the last time you showered?: About an hr ago

Do you make fun of people a lot?: If they give a reason to *shrugs*

What CD is in your CD player?: Burned hip hop CD, Outkast greatest hits, Evanescence

What was the last really fun thing you did?: This entire weekend :)

When was the last time you had candy?: Today

Books or movies?: Haha, MOVIES

Have you ever broken a bone?: No

How about someones heart?: Wow, no comment!

Hugged a stranger?: Yeah

Skipped more than one meal in a day?: Yes and I just about died


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