Saturday, December 06, 2003

Damn, my bday was amazing! And I'm still in the midst of it...still got tonight to go! heehee. Had dinner with my mom (she actually busted out some liquor and a couple shot glasses for the occassion, haha!) P came back from NY to surprise me! :D She's back for good, at least for a yr anyway. She'll be goin to hairdressin school so she's gonna be here. No way I expected it'll be 1 more comin out tonight :) I actually caught Fish (who's still in K-town) on Messenger, which NEVER happens so we had a nice talk. Everybody called me or sent me emails...awwwwww...I special!

So Thurs night we went to Fox & Fiddle for drinks and whatnot. Meen couldn't make it cuz her car broke down when she left work and somebody was already comin for her so. We went to the 1 that we pass when we go to Demetre's but have never been to and lemme just say, I think we've found our new spot ;) It looks like nuthin from the outside and it's kinda small inside but it's so hype. I've turned 23 and I got CARDED :P But I got a hug from the bouncer cuz it was my bday..."Alright, get in there and get sloppy!" LOL

Had drinks, some nachos, P had some cheesecake LOL So we're sittin in a booth and for some reason they turned off the lights there (the lamp overhead or whatever) and it was pretty damn dark. They were makin it sexier in there? I dunno. L had to bust out her cell and use it as a light so P could read the menu...and help find money that the waitress dropped :P "Nikita Girl" saved the day again LOL (The drunk guy from the cottage this summer was tryin to say Nokia girl, we helped light his way down the steps goin to the beach...if anybody tripped, they'd pretty much roll down 4 flights and die :P) So it's dim and we hafta eat like that. I picked up what I thought was a chip and chomped a big hunk of hot pepper. This is me who can't take anythin spicier than mild salsa. Fuckin hell, can you say FIRE? Ice ice, drink drink! Speakin of drinks...this just might've been the best part of the night LOL L didn't even have like 1/3 of her drink til she somehow knocked her cup and spilled it all in her lap. We thought she was playin around til she made that look of horror on her face and stood up. She literally looked like she pissed her pants...from her crotch ALL THE WAY DOWN her legs LOL It was so bad.

"We're goin home."
"Haha, no we're not!"
"OMG my fuckin paaaaaants!"
"OK we'll just go to the bathroom and blow dry you off."
"Where's the fuckin bathroom?"
" they have a bathroom up in here?" LOL
"No way, I'm not walkin around like this."
"No one can see, it's dark."
"Holyyyy crap, good thing I wore my long coat tonight!"

Priceless. I think that alone made my day, but there's more LOL The drinks come in plastic cups and I was done one but there was still a buncha ice in it. I was chewin gum but had nowhere to put it so I just put it in my finished cup. L takes my old cup and and sucks up the ice water or whatever. I'm like, that one's it has my gum in it LOL Her mouth drops and is like, are you fuckin serious? I'm like, I'm not even playin, I put my gum in there. She looks and is all disgusted, awww! Son of a bitch! That chick makes me LAUGH. She's like, why the fuck didn't you put it in here??, pointin to her finished cup with the garbage in it. I'm like, I didn't see! And how the hell would I know you'd try to drink outta this, it's done! LOL She was not havin the greatest day but it was pure jokes for me :D

P wanted to get on the floor but obviously L was not in a mood to dance so me and her went. Plenty boys up in there. Met some, danced with a few. Got the whole "You're the hottest girl in here" half-buzzed talk...Whatever-his-name-was was tryin to read what my shirt said, haha. I can't remember any of their names to save my life LOL P was havin a TIME with this guy and brought me to 1 of his boys. All these diff guys had their friends with them, couldn't keep them in check. G had work early the next morning so she and L came on the floor after a while and was like, ready to go yet? Haha, NO! They came back later with our friggin bags and coats LOL Me and P were still gettin down. G's like, OK we're gonna get the car, if you're not out in 2 mins, I'm leavin without you! I figured she'd never do me like that cuz that's just cold but I didn't want her to spazz. We took advantage of our 2 mins tho, still holdin our bags and coats LOL I had to tear P away from her boy. They couldn't believe we had to bounce already :P They're like, you can ride with us. I'm all, hayyyyy. P's like, do you wanna stay? We can go with them later. I'm like, hmmmm....yeah we can stay for a whi--no, we can't! LOL Good-ass bday.

Yesterday I had to go with my mom and grandma to the doctor's. My mom figured, hey while we're here, let's get our flu shot! Yeah great, I'm in the mood for a needle, sure why not? I got no problems with shots, it just hurt after the fact. So Fri night, G thought we'd probably hit her company Xmas party thing at some hotel, it just depended on these other chicks from work who I met before. Since I wouldn't be allowed at the dinner, I'd just stay in their hotel room for a couple hrs til the dance part. They didn't end up goin so that was scrapped. Went to dinner with Al instead. Except G apparently didn't know where she was goin and ended up at Montana's instead of Rocky Mountain :P I hadn't seen Al in a while so it was good times. "Your tonsils are HUGE!" LOL And our waitress was all up on the mack on Al. K they're supposed to come by your table every now and then to ask if everythin's alright but this woman came by like 20 times and each time she'd only hover around Al and always put her hand on her shoulder. We noticed she was doin this a lot so we started to count how many times she got touched LOL She's like, geez she touched me AGAIN. Gettin hit on by the waitress, too funny. And at Montana's, the servers write their names on the paper tablecloth (you get to draw, heehee!) and she mentioned she's just shortenin her name to Sal or whatever cuz her gf is the only person who gets it right. Or somethin like that. At that time, we just assumed it was a friend friend...guess not, haha. And she was like in her 30's or whatever :P

What's kind of a downer tho is that the 6th is Kare's bday. Last yr's bash was the last time she was out with us. Dunno what happened, guess it's the old growin apart thing. But I just feel weird cuz this is the 1st time in like 6-7 yrs that I'll be celebratin my bday on my own cuz we always combined ours. I'm the 1 outta the whole crew that's still in the middle cuz I'm not bitter at all about how we're not tight anymore but I realize too that she's never tried to call either so I'm cool with it.

Anyway, to be like Ludacris..."It's Saturday! Sticky icky icky!" It's bday week part 3, mommies.


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