Monday, December 08, 2003

Best bday week EVER!! Haha that's right, my bday lasts 4 days, playas. This was some sweet weekend. Except for when I retched :P But that's OK. Went to dinner at Kelsey's with most of the crew. J couldn't make it cuz he was studyin for his exam that night, Kim couldn't stay long, and P and Lionel were late but it was still good. Can I say how much I love everyone buyin me dinner and drinks this whole time? :D Kim bought me shots before we even started lookin at menus. I'm like, Kimmy I haven't even eaten yet, do you want me on the floor? You know what happened at your bbq LOL She kept tellin me to drink them ("Lint and shit's gonna get in them." LOL). I'm like, what are they even? She says Liquid Cocaine and B-52 (I think) and they're not strong. I'm like, haha whatever, I've had Liquid Cocaine and it burns like a bitch so don't lie. But I downed those bad boys anyhow. Maybe it was cuz I hadn't been drinkin much since before Thurs rolled around, maybe it was cuz I was on an empty stomach, but those shots got me cross-eyed, boy LOL My vision was gettin kinda blurred and I'm tryin to look at what I was gonna get to eat and I lean over to G and I'm like fuck G, I can't read the menu! What's this say?! LOL

I think everybody workin there thought we were all gettin hammered. But they were nice enough, they gave me a Polaroid of all of us and did a papparazzi session with all our cameras, haha. "I can't see the hole!" LOL And our waiter was cool. "Gerald is it? Can I call you JER?" "Priscilla, stop lookin at that!" "Hey Jer, what yr are you in?" Turns out we go to the same school. And they did the big sneaky and had everybody workin come out and sing and clap to me and brought me a cake.

We saw Craig and his bro Shawn from hs there but we weren't sure it was them. Weird. We totally didn't know Craig was there with his family and we had been goin, Creck! Creck!, makin fun of our old business teacher. They were sittin in the booth right over there the whole time :P But they were like, oh hey. So it was them after all and they came and talked for a bit.

I got a CD player (they paid attention!) and they bought me dinner and more drinks. I asked Lionel on Thurs about hookin me up with somethin but never answered me. Figured Lionel was just bein a Sneaky McSneak tho and I'd wait til dinner on Sat. Who strolls in from doin work for school an hr late? I'm like, damn took you a while and Lionel's all, I had to wait for somebody! And at the same time, handed me a bday card. It felt a bit fatter than it should, maybe I got money or somethin. Haha, no you didn't! No fuckin way! "Yeah don't open that in public." LOL

I can't believe Lionel delivered.

Lionel got me weed.

Lionel got me WEED...for a present LOL Lionel's amazing. I love Lionel :D

After dinner, me, L, G, Vick, and P were goin clubbin and everybody had to bounce cuz they had other stuff they had to do. We hit up The Docks. It was kinda slow in the beginning, esp since we got there early. Of course L was gettin a headache. I'm like, no you're fuckin not cuz nobody's gettin sick or tired, it's my bday and we're not leavin til damn late! We were chillin in the reggae/soca room on a couch and just gettin too comfy there was makin me, L, and Vick tired LOL Alcohol makes me sleepy sometimes. So there's the bunch of us, half-asleep in a wrong.

Then it started pickin up, thank god cuz that'd just be wrong. Let's go! Everybody fuckin UP!! Haha. I brought Al's camera with me but turns out the damn battery died so not only could I not take any more pix, it wouldn't close. I called Al from the bathroom to ask what was up with it but I was stuck with it like that. The friggin lens was juttin out and I had to stuff it in my lil bag so it made my bag (which I wear across and it hangs at my hip) look like it had a hard-on LOL

We moved to the main room and the music was sick. Again, P hooked up with a guy...2, 3. Got sandwiched LOL She's a freak. I got some guy up on me and I'm like, well OK, how YOU doin. It was the "I love the way you move", "You are so hot" thing all over,'re DRUNK, ass LOL He's like, can I buy you a drink? Damn right. He was the beer type so I told him he had to have a chocolate martini shot with me. We got back to the floor and P's like, I found somebody you can dance with. I'm like, k, but...him. She's like, here, G'll dance with him LOL The other dude was a friend of the guy she was gettin it on with. Apparently he goes to the same school as me too. Forgot all these names! My bad.

I totally left the other guy hangin. LOL Whoops. That was kinda cold but ah well, bought me a drink! LOL That sounds evil. By the time I stopped with the new guy, he was gone. I knew G couldn't keep him occupied for even a lil while LOL She probably turned away from him. But she said he was like, who's that? Her bf? Haha, jealous much! ;) It was another 1 of their homey's 23rd bday too. Crazy.

Man, I had so many shots that night. And so many drinks 4 days in a row LOL G slept over at my house. Em, OMG, friggin msg'ed me like 7 times in a row. Damn woman, what do you WANT?? LOL I'm like, she's drunk, I know it. So I called long distance and yup, she had a few. And I was just sayin, yeah I had a bunch to drink and I didn't get sick and I'm not even drunk. I took 2 Gravols before we left for the club and it was fine. Went to bed, was 99% sure I was alright. Wrong this time again. It always gets me! LOL I unconsciously knew somethin was up cuz I was alseep but wasn't havin REM sleep or whatever, I think I was havin nightmares or somethin. And I was gettin the shallow breaths, like I was gonna get the heaves. I was like, fuck me. It's 6 in the morning but still pure dark outside. Figured I might as well go throw up cuz I'm not gonna be able to get back to sleep. Why fight it, it'll probably make me feel better LOL So I puked. Wasn't too bad but I couldn't get that nasty sour taste outta the back of my throat even after I brushed my teeth :P

Finally got outta bed at 2 in the afternoon. G always gets up earlier than I do so she brought her readings so she could have somethin to do til I woke up LOL She's like, did you throw up? cuz I think I heard you get up and you were gone a LONG time :P

She went home for a few hrs, then we all went out for breakfast at The Station, some cool diner, at 5 pm LOL Yeah I had pancakes in the middle of the evening. That's all I had all day...and lotsa water. Then we chilled at G's and burned CDs.

And that was Thurs to Sun. Now that's how your special day is stretchin it over the week! :D


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