Sunday, December 28, 2003

Thought we might do somethin with the crew that we don't see much of for 1 of those get-togethers but Fish ain't home, Pris hasn't called me back yet (probably still strugglin to fix her TV, haha) and Al lied and is doin somethin tonight LOL Dammit ppl, can't we se eachother when you're all actually home for the break? :P Maybe tomorrow.

J just called me about goin out to lunch on Tues with Jay (haha). I haven't seen him in forever. And Chris! Friggin gotta see her before she leaves for Cali. As much as I hate to say it, but the break's almost over and school starts again in like a week...and me and J and Al still haven't gone down to Waterloo and I still haven't even SEEN Fish yet. Dammit, I'm gonna milk this month for all it's worth, yo ;)

And OMG my dad bought the very same Tower of Power stereo system on sale that me and L were lookin at. The speakers are huge! Can you say POWER?? Oooh can't wait to try out those bad boys.


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