Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Dammit, I forgot to tape Newlyweds and 24 tonight, grrr. But at least my Leafs won! :) Haha, everythin's bad and good. Guess that was pretty much 2003. A lotta ups and a lotta downs. Yeah things are pretty much startin to suck again, startin with school of course. After my bday fest and Xmas and New Yr's...well, stuff can only go downwards and that's exactly what I'm expecting :P Rollercoaster, yo. I'm an optimistic person but you know, that law or sayin...what goes up, must come down...nuthin can stay the way it is forever, etc etc.

It's COLD! I know it's winter but I was happy not havin it til now. Oh and the bus, the bus, blar. How I DIDN'T miss you, biatch!


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