Monday, January 05, 2004

I think I should be up on my posts now. I gotta get used to it bein 2004.

Oh yeah, got my new cell :) So I actually have 2 workin cell phones til the end of the month. Went to the dentist on Sat, then to Pacific with G. Saw Alena there...with a guy that wasn't Billy LOL She got a new bf. Cute too :P She wants to go raving or after-hrs clubbin sometime haha. Played pool at Q's with P that night too. I drove, aw yeah LOL And I kicked her booty. But 'only played once in NY', my ass. She would not stop playin til she beat me at a game...and then she did but only cuz I scratched the 8 ball :P

Me and G went to Pris' yesterday to watch Jeepers Creepers 2. Creepy, but funny as hell too. Her rents still aren't home haha.

I actually got to talk to Fish on the weekend. The fucker was home for 2 weeks and I still didn't get to even get that popular punk on the phone. We were supposed to get together but at least we had some contact before jettin back. Now everybody's goin back to school. At least L doesn't start college til next week cuz I don't have class til Wed. *Sigh* I'm really not lookin forward to startin school again. I can't believe a month has gone by already. I love my breaks off.

Lemme just say, Lionel's stuff is the craziest shit! But yeah, note to self: don't blaze before goin to bed :P I struggled to brush my teeth and get my contacts out. Didn't even know what the fuck I was doin or what was goin on, haha. No sense of time. The second I finished the j, I was high outta my mind. I kept checkin myself, like did I just smoke up? Did I do it for real?? LOL I thought it was all a freakin dream...and since I thought it was a dream, I thought I could do whatever the hell I wanted. I coulda went up to my mom and yelled I was high and laughed about it. Thank god I had the sense? restraint? not to. I don't even remember all of it. I remember bein obsessed with my tongue bein clean. I had gotten a cup of water cuz I knew I'd have dry mouth but I couldn't find it so I went downstairs to the kitchen but it wasn't there. I went back up to my room but it wasn't there. So I was goin up and down lookin for that cup and it was on the stairs :P I was watchin the new stereo cuz the lights and screen flash and go crazy colours like the JT Rock Your Body video LOL But I knew I didn't wanna stay lyin on the floor cuz I'd fall asleep and end up there til the next day :P

And I think my mom came out while I was comin back upstairs. The stereo makes noises even tho it's not playin but as long as it's on so she's like, was that the phone? thinkin I went to get the cell or somethin. I'm like, no it was the stereo. She's like, what're doin havin the stereo on at this time? I said it wasn't on and went in my room and she went to hers. Then I realized I coulda been screwed hardcore right then, haha. I'd ask her if that really happened but I'd rather not :P


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