Sunday, January 11, 2004

I think the winter here's makin up for lost time. No snow up until last week, not even really cold weather and now it's BITCHASS FREEZING! I'm not kiddin. -30 with wind chill. You'd think that'd stop me from even settin a foot outside a nice heated house but sometimes, I'm just that idiotic. Can't be that bad right? I'd technically only be outside for the time it takes to get to the car in the driveway and from the car to whatever building we're goin into. Unless the car you're in doesn't actually heat up til you're pretty much there already. That would be Vick's. Pretty new, tho used, Neon...I mock it cuz of its pathetic and hilarious horn beep but the laughter stops there when it's hellaciously (oh yes, remember that word?) cold and it's more or less the same temperature inside the car as it is outside.

We went to Timmy's Fri anyway. OK we're sittin inside havin hot coffees, chattin and chillin (haha, not the best word here). Ppl come in and out and we feel the chilly wind cuz the door doesn't close every now and then. Then we start feelin random drafts even when the door's closed, maybe it's the vents above us or somethin. What the hell are they doin havin them on, I dunno. An hr or 2 later, it all of a sudden gets REALLY cold but again, it's not the door or the vents. I think they just turned off the heat completely. I start to say somethin and just as I get the 1st word outta my mouth, I see my breath in the air. I'm like, holy fuck! Did you see that? They're like, yeah damn! G of course doesn't see and asks what. I'm like, you can see my breath! And I breathe out a nice whispy cloud. OK it's pretty messed up if you're indoors and what's supposed to be a normal heated establishment but it's cold enough that you can see your breath. Time to go!

And you so copied me, L...with your belt and jacket biz LOL Stop bitin!

It was still mutha cold out last night but we went to see Chasing Liberty and had $5 nachos, haha (small!). Good movie :) To anyone who hasn't seen it but will, 2 words: belly top LOL

Oh and I just hafta mention this moment of retardedness. I was lyin on the floor watchin tv and my brother's there too. It's late and it's dead quiet except for the tv and all of a sudden I hear a rustling of the plastic bag on the floor (don't ask me why it was there) and it scared the fuck outta me. My head shot up and I snapped my neck around to turn to where the sound came from. I was like, wtf was that?? My bro's like, what? I thought it was a friggin mouse or somethin and I'm just there frozen, lookin at the bag. Then I heard the sound again and I'm like, that! Then I notice the tv cable is along the wall and it's under bag. I'm like, are you touchin the cord? The stupid dork was playin with it and it was movin the bag. He didn't even know what he was doin. I'm like, you fucker! Scared the hell outta me! But it was funny as it was dumbass so it's straight :P

I got up around 10 this morning after hopin I could fall back asleep if I just laid in bed for another hr. I had about 4 and a half hrs of TVO's Sat Night at the Movies stuff to watch on tape for my online film course so I got to see 1 of the flicks and that killed most of my morning/afternoon.

Since I don't have class til Thurs, these are my things to do til then:

Buy my new books for class
Do the readings for them
Watch the rest of the movie stuff
Get my pix developed
Put my cheque in the bank
Get that independent study bs outta the way
Buy page protectors (sale at Grand & Toy, 99 cents for 10, yahhh! LOL Gonna buy $20 worth...I'm not that nerdy, they're for my archive project and she said we had to use them)

Oh it's the exciting life.


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