Friday, December 31, 2004

Well wasn't I productive today? Went to the bank to exchange my money into US dollars, vacuumed the house, did some laundry, dyed my hair, frosted cupcakes for my sister, haha.

Now the only thing left to do is PACK!! I do realize I should be on the way to the airport in about 4 hrs but I don't think I woulda been able to sleep so early anyway. I think cuz I haven't even started to pack yet, the idea of goin to NYC hasn't hit me yet...and so I haven't been gettin all that hyped yet. I'm sure I'll start to freak out while we're on the I'm grippin the arm rests of my seat :P


Wednesday, December 29, 2004

We all went over to G's to plan out what were gonna do in NY (and downloaded some sick tracks for a CD, heh). We're sure to get lost so we checked out tourist sites and subway maps and I think we have a good idea but we're pretty much still wingin it. Gonna be interesting. So that took about 5 hrs. We still don't even know what clubs we're goin to or a concrete itinerary for that matter...they were all bitchin they had headaches and shit so they were no help. Whatever happens, they brought it on themselves! Haha.

Kim's bday thing was fun. She's finally 23 :) Me and L got there a bit later than everyone else. D&B's is obviously not a place to eat, it's clearly meant for games. Dinner was crazy. Cat was there and Chief and her gf, Fish, Andrea, and Patty, and some other chicks and dudes I didn't know. Oh and Audrey (from hs) showed up after dinner. Apparently Kim and Cat and Audrey had grown to like not get along at ALL a yr or 2 ago but guess that changed cuz there she was. After dinner, we played in the midway. In all the times I've been there, I think I've bought game chips like twice...cuz I know it's really not THAT worth the money and plus, things can get really addictive :P Patty went nuts with Wheel of Fortune, hahaha. Some gambling habits there! But her and Cat won pretty big...none of us got any prizes tho cuz the stuff they had this time around weren't that great. How about that sexy hot flashin red and green ring huh Kimmy? "Heyyyy." ;)

Good times. I don't get to see these ppl a lot...well, hardly ever unless Kim has her it was nice talkin to everyone and spendin time with them. So funny. Too bad D&B's closes at midnight :P But it's a Tues so. What can you do for your bday on a Tues night really? And we can't celebrate on the weekend cuz it's New Yr's and everyone's got plans. 2 days!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Heh, that boredom turned into chaotic pretty quick. Construction guys were doin window stuff and caulking this time so the house looks messy as hell. Everythin had to be moved around so there's shit thrown every which way and the floor's dirty. P was called me twice, the last time in that urgent voice of hers when somethin's happened...not necessarily bad but somethin that requires me to hear about it :P Then Al called wanting to go out for dinner but I already ate so she wanted to see a movie. She was bustin my ass cuz I was totally expectin to stay in tonight and I had just gotten outta the shower. My hair was wet and I was in my pjs and the girl wants me to hurry up into the winter cold. She comes by early and has to wait for me to get ready and of course that's when L calls too.

We went to see The Aviator. My god that was a long movie. It was good but we didn't quite get some things that happened. I think we must've missed somethin at the beginning cuz stuff near the end just didn't make sense, haha. We did just come in right when it started least we think. You know how sometimes they show a bit then the movie title and openin credits come up? I dunno. It was 5 past 9 and we had just gotten to the theatres and Al didn't even get to eat anythin yet so we were gonna hit BK. It was right there and they might have the Patrick in the Patty Wagon toy this week, bonus! We got the tickets and figured we had time before the movie started cuz of the previews. They DID have the right Patrick toy this time! :D Oh me and Al were happy girls. Heehee, we're 5. Not only that but the guy unknowingly or not, gave her an extra toy. And fries plus onion rings when she wanted to substitute them. It was the same guy who was sayin things last time we were there about the other Patrick toy that vibrates (WHAT?). Anyway. She even brought along her Patrick doll that Mike got her that says these different phrases when you smack it. Plus she got the season 2 box set. ARE YOU KIDDIN ME. Anyways, off topic there...we hid the food on ourselves and got there at like 9:30. Try crammin a fast-food soda cup into your purse without havin it spill. Esp when the cup is bigger than the purse! Haha good days, good days.

Monday, December 27, 2004

I haven't been up at this time in a while. That's cuz my mom came home today :P I dunno what happened cuz I was still in a sleepy daze ass-early this morning but I heard the phone ringin and confusion goin on about my dad pickin her up at the airport. Anyway, they're all here now so it's straight.

She bought some stuff while over there. I copped a shirt with a BLUE TEDDY BEAR on it, oh yes. My sister got some car pouch/holder thing (I really don't know WHAT it is!) with a baby Winnie the Pooh doll on it and the price sticker said $99. She's like, 99 dollars!? How much is that in Canadian money? My dad's like, about 2 dollars LOL

I'm kinda bored. I guess I've got things I should get done. Tomorrow's Kim's bday at D&B's and it's 3 days left til NYC. It's countdown time!

I went with P and her mom to watch Spanglish...good movie! Kinda made me wanna cry at times too. P's mom is a fun lady, you can laugh and talk with her like one of your friends :) She still speaks like she's from the islands. Hype.

Then P took the van and headed to Ian's to pick up a couple of her things she left there. Oh yeah, they're dating anymore. But they still talk and are gonna be friends and all that. And since we knew he was at home, he wasn't at Q's so we played a few games there, haha. I got the shit scared outta me about 17 different times with her maniac drivin :P On snow!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

I like turkey more than I realize :P Mmmmm. But just once or twice, maybe three times, thanks. I was so into goin sledding and I had Kimmy on board to go but we didn't have a ride. Plus it wouldn't be all too smart to do it in the dark...even tho we've done it before oh so dangerously. Boo. So me, my sister, and my brother made Xmas cookies. They were just butter cookies so I dunno why it took about 3 hrs! They're good...esp the candy cane one I made with stripes and everythin that they were jealous of and therefore hating on, haha.

It's Boxing Day and I'm not out in the hordes of madness otherwise known as the mall crowds. Not too much that's interesting enough to wake up early and go shop for. Maybe CDs or DVDs at Sam the Record Man's downtown but it's too...winter outside. Maybe tomorrow. Or I'll see what my dad comes back with today. He usually goes bananas with some kind of electronics. Damn, I probably coulda used with some new clothes but then again I don't think I should spend any more money seein that I took so much for the NYC trip already :P