Saturday, April 24, 2004

Oh yes, I finally went out yesterday! Freeeee! Is a night out ever a night out without goin to Timmy's? Haha. Well we went to Demetre's too. I know I wasn't really supposed to have solid food but hey. And technically it really wasn't solid since it was ice cream and crepes :) OH WELL. But I had a tea called a Suffering Bastard, haha. That was me!

I think I'm OK pain and no blood's always good. I have a total of 4 meds plus vitamin C tablets. I don't even think I really need all of them but I guess I'm not one to argue with the doctor, pharmacist, and a mother :P

We're goin to the drive-in tonight! Gonna get BIZAY! Haha. The Docks opened their drive-in for the season and I've got 2-4-1's so we're gonna go see Kill Bill 2 and The Punisher. That's right, sittin in/on a car/lawnchair for about 4 hrs. None of us have ever been, should be interesting. G got all excited about the concept of bringin your own food and Vick will most likely fall asleep or be checkin out who's mackin up in their cars, haha. Perv!

Friday, April 23, 2004

Holy fuck, so lemme tell you what happened last night after I posted that stuff! So I thought my pukin was over with but I was so so wrong. I threw up some more after that and then I saw it was red. I'm like, um wait...that's not right...yeah that can't be good. I'm not usually a worrier but this was blood that was comin out and that was pretty much cause for freakin. But no one was home. I called my mom at work to ask what I should do but she was on break or somethin. I left a msg with the guy to call home asap but I said it was fine when he asked if everythin was alright cuz I didn't wanna be spazzin about nuthin. I couldn't call my dad cuz he was out with my bro...and my mom took my cell but it's never on and she doesn't know how to work the voice mail :P

Since me and G were supposed to go watch the game, I told her I didn't think I could come out cuz I wasn't feel good. This was before the blood. I was gonna call her back and cry for her to drive me to the doc's, haha. So I didn't know what to do. I didn't think it was THAT serious but I just wanted to be sure, you know? It felt like someone punched me in the throat. I couldn't swallow and it was hard to talk. I had to wait like an hr and a half til my dad got home so I was there watchin the game on TV (got my plans to go out ruined AGAIN! Grrrr, fate!). Friggin Leafs had to LOSE on top of it all :P But I didn't even care, I was like fuuuuuck...paaaaaain...where's dad?? And I couldn't eat anythin cuz I wasn't sure if it was a good idea and I had to miss a dose of my antiobiotics cuz no way I could get a pill down. I was like, why isn't my mommy callin me baaaack?? Haha. Turns out the ass on the phone didn't even get the msg to her.

By the time my dad got home, it was too late to see a doc so we went to the hospital. OMG we were waitin for like an hr and a half before I got in. That night just so happened to be busy as hell. Then more waitin when I got a bed. The nurse was like, at least you're pinker in the face now. I'm like, oh really. He's like, yeah cuz you looked pale when you came in. Haha, I probably looked like shit.

Damn, I had to do the whole gown thing and everythin. I wished I had shaved my legs, hahaha. I thought it was gonna be a quick once-over. The nurse did her biz and then I waited forever for the doc to get to me. I was this close to sayin screw it...I guess it's not that bad, I'll just go home now. But they were all really nice so it's not like I'd bitch about it. I heard a lot of stuff from the beds next to me and across the room but I won't get into that, haha.

So it wasn't anythin serious cuz I didn't have any symptoms still and no stomach pains, etc. I asked if there was anythin for the pain in my throat and he said he'd give me Tylenol-Codeine and some other stuff. I'm like, sweeeet. This all took 4 HRS! Til 3 am! I hadn't eaten anythin since 6 and even then all I had all day was soup, OJ, tea, and a bit of rice. I saw it all come up, haha...ewwww! Stupid lil bits of rice that got stuck in my throat...fuckers.

We got home and figured we woulda been back before my mom got off work at like 2 but we weren't so.. She thought since the car was gone, I was out fuckin around still but she realized my dad was gone too, haha. Then whoever was still up told her we were at the hospital but didn't know what for...and this was hrs ago. See what happens when she takes the cell, haha. Ahhh...too much drama.

SO...I'm feelin better now. Figures my cold shit cleared up yesterday and this happened! Someone out there does NOT like me, yo. Maybe tonight I'll get to go out? I think everytime I say it, it gets jinxed.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I just threw up a LOT :P I know you wanna hear about it, you really do. It had nuthin to do with my cold or my meds or anythin. I just had some pea soup but it was the same soup that I had for lunch and I was fine. But this time, I think I got it down too quick cuz I got that lil pain in the middle of my chest as if I swallowed a big pill and it got stuck. You know, like when you don't take enough water with it? Apparently, it's my body's way of tellin me that I need to puke, turns out. I think I hit the gag reflex flap, haha. After the 1st time, the phone was ringin and I picked it up soundin like I was about to cry.

Why?? WHY??

So before all that shit happened, I was GONNA write about how I was feelin not 100% but still better than before. But I'm bustin outta here! We're gonna go for wings and watch the game tonight. Since it looks like it's gonna be a while before I'm back to completely normal, might as well get outta the prison anyway :P

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Is it possible to get somethin stronger than prescription strength? I guess that would be the illegal stuff :P Cuz this med that's supposed to help my congestion just ain't cuttin it...but it IS makin me feel like I'm gonna pass out at night. Holy crap, this stuff messes up my sleep like nobody's business. Obviously, I've wronged some kinda higher power to be dealin with this. Whatever I did...I'm sorry! Please please please let me get better!

G's probably gonna make me do that summer school IS crap tomorrow and literally drivin my ass to school to do it, cuz she's mom-ish like that sometimes. And I really don't feel like all these other circumstances that I don't have the energy to write about. Then again, all I hafta do is distract her from this issue and suggest we go out and do somethin since she doesn't have work :) Bring on the Flyers!

Oh yeah, G told me how Heather's friend (my new best friend!)...let's call her Clothes, gonna be on her own come summer time cuz her rents are retirin and movin across the globe. And her bro's gonna go work up in London or Ktown or somethin during the summer. That's right, she's gonna be on her own in that condo for a while. That means we'll be over a lot. That means we'll finally get to play on those tables. That means we'll have a place to crash after nights of clubbing. Which all works out cuz Clothes loves us! :D

LEEEEEEEAFS!!! BELFOURRRRR!! Hahaha. I've announced that McCabe, Niewendyk (good lord, I have no idea how to spell the guy's name), and Belfour are all my mens, heehee. I would say they're all my husbands but some are already married and well, polygamy isn't allowed. 4-1 baby! And it starts all over again on Thurs vs the Flyers. Hopefully I'll be recovered in time to get out there and catch some games.

I haven't been outta the house in like 4 days so I was gettin a bit antsy. I haven't breathed fresh air in a while...I haven't BREATHED much, period. I've heard it's been nice out, haha. So I was like, I'm gettin out, it's game 7, and I don't really care that I'm still sick. I wasn't stupid about it tho...I didn't go to any smoky bars or anythin (I mean, game 7, Leaf fever, come on) just to G's and Timmy's.

I checked my online film course site and it said the grades were up. I didn't wanna click on it in fear of seein a bad mark on my final essay and thus puttin a shit on my day. But I'd hafta check it sooner or later and I figured I couldn't have done TOO bad...1st essay was a near B, maybe 16/20 for participation, so hopefully I got at least a 34 on the final to get an overall B. I actually did better in participation and worse on my final but it's all good cuz it all levelled out to a B still :)

So despite this crappy congestion in my throat and nose that just will not go away, it's been a good day!

Monday, April 19, 2004

ARGH!! GRRRR!!! Fuckin Sens. That winnin goal was the shittiest way to go out. Sundin better be back tomorrow. Game 7, I'm gonna have a heart attack. K that was my bitch about hockey.

Now a bitch about pharmacies. I still don't have the meds I need. The doc prescribed 2 but the 1st place didn't have 1 and Shopper's took a half an hr wait before the chick got to it and realized she couldn't read what he wrote and had no idea what it was so I didn't get it there either. Which is freaky weird cuz I just was thinkin before (cuz I was lookin at the prescription slip) the hell do pharmacists read this shit? Cuz it's all scribble. And they're supposed to know exactly what it is. Then I figured, well they're in the field of medicine, they should be familiar with the stuff enough to figure what's for what. But then I was like, well what if a drug was named almost the same as another except spelled diff like with an a instead of an o, but you'd never be able to tell by the doc's handwriting. And 1 might be the right one and the other might end up killin you! So that was a fun thought.

So yeah, I've only got antibiotics right now. I'm feelin better but I still need the other thing that'll help the stuffiness and the coughin. I just popped my right ear, rock on.

I emailed Al about her surgery cuz I wasn't sure if she was able to talk yet but apparently she called me while I was still sleepin today so I guess she can! I was gonna visit her but she's still kinda out of it and it's 1 of those weird weather days where the sun's out but it's no good for the sickie here. Blah, that sucks. And she's goin to Chicago on Wed :P

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Isn't it so typical that my symptoms start to get better when my doctor's appt comes around? I'll be there near normal and he'd be like, you big baby, you came in for this? Haha. Well I still can't breathe thru my nose when I go to sleep so that's a big one. I'm suffering dammit, I am!

I was supposed to go for bubble tea with L and G last night but I figured it would be smarter to stay in. So they came over for a bit. I was takin a nap when L called and I picked up the phone. She's like, wow you sound like DIRT. Hahaha...thaaaaanks. We did our nails :)

That time I told G to tape Alias at 10 cuz the network schedules were all messed up and everybody in the house had taken over all the TVs so I couldn't watch, G was like, it was soooooo good! K great, I went to watch the tape...she recorded some french news channel. "It was SO hafta watch." Thanks.

Leafs tonight!! Game 6 and I hafta stay home and watch it...poops.