Saturday, April 24, 2004

Oh yes, I finally went out yesterday! Freeeee! Is a night out ever a night out without goin to Timmy's? Haha. Well we went to Demetre's too. I know I wasn't really supposed to have solid food but hey. And technically it really wasn't solid since it was ice cream and crepes :) OH WELL. But I had a tea called a Suffering Bastard, haha. That was me!

I think I'm OK pain and no blood's always good. I have a total of 4 meds plus vitamin C tablets. I don't even think I really need all of them but I guess I'm not one to argue with the doctor, pharmacist, and a mother :P

We're goin to the drive-in tonight! Gonna get BIZAY! Haha. The Docks opened their drive-in for the season and I've got 2-4-1's so we're gonna go see Kill Bill 2 and The Punisher. That's right, sittin in/on a car/lawnchair for about 4 hrs. None of us have ever been, should be interesting. G got all excited about the concept of bringin your own food and Vick will most likely fall asleep or be checkin out who's mackin up in their cars, haha. Perv!


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