Thursday, April 15, 2004

I think I've got mono or some shit cuz I got sick outta nowhere! :P Frig it, who gets this sore throat/stuffed nose crap in the middle of April? I sound like a frog.

Probably didn't help that I had ice cream for 2 days...or maybe it did. Me and Al went out to celebrate her bein done her last exam ever last night. She was 'wooo!'ing like every half hr. And she's got her tonsils surgery today and since that means she'll be house-bound for about a week, I had to take her out :) I picked her up at Mike's house and we had no idea what to do so we went to the AMC theatres but there wasn't anythin playin that we wanted to see by the time we got there. I said Monster but the guy said it was a bit over 2 hrs long and Al wasn't goin for that.

So we went to Flavour, some place she went to with Chris before. And we found out that Leafs lost, fuckin hell. Anyway, I got a mint choc chip shake and she got some biz called a Hot Banana, haha...and nachos cuz she won't be eatin anythin greasy or crunchy (or anythin solid, period) for a while. She'll be watchin a LOT of movies at home and probably bored stupid so I'll be MSN'ing and droppin by a lot.

And I'm tired and headache-y today. Probably cuz I didn't get to eat anythin til like 3 pm except throat drops. Me and L went with G to check out a couple college campuses so she could pick which school she'll be goin to in Sept. Oh my lord, Seneca in King City was literally in farmland. We had to walk by sheep and across bridge over a lil lake to get to the main building. There were these crusty portables and we're like, no way these are classrooms!! Hahaha. They weren't but G got kinda scared for a bit there. And when we first walked up we saw these old-time structures called the Farm Office and the Law Lodge. Oh, jokes. It was OK when we got inside tho, like the actual classes and student centre and stuff. Then we went downtown to George Brown. Total big building in the city that looked like a train station/airport inside. We got DQ when we got back up here so I had my ice cream again, haha. Cuz I'm dumb like that. For some reason, the guy turned my Toffee Cheesequake upside down before he handed it to me, like in the commercial...????...alrighty!


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