Sunday, April 11, 2004

I was flippin thru my hs senior yearbook...OMG memories! Everyone's comments and shit that they wrote in it are so damn funny. Those were some good times. I miss hs. Never thought I'd say THAT. OK well, I miss seein the ppl everyday...the skipped classes...the bomb threats and strikes, haha.

Here's some stuff that the crew wrote to me:

"...all those dirty guys that we have seen over the yrs. The guys in the red Civic on the way to Alibi's. The guy looked like the blond guy from V.I.P. (ill) Karen just gunned the engine and took off..." -L

"...oh my gosh, so many memories...where shall I start. Let's start off by me meeting you in Parenting class in grade 11 and you didn't remember me until this yr. You're such a fucking asshole. Anyways, thanks for coming to Ryerson with me, one of our many road adventures. You know I love you so don't ever forget me and my small, palmable head. Oh my god, I just remembered the Nsync concert where Tasha lost her fucking mind!! OK let me apologize to you for taking you to school late every other day. But it was your fault too sometimes! Shut up you know it's true..." -Lionel

"...I guess you what me to write you this sappy piece of crap where I tell you how nice it's been knowing you for the past like what 9 agonizing yrs and how you can never be replaced. I guess I'm supposed to say have a great summer and don't do anything I wouldn't do. Well guess what, you can't get that shit out of me. No really, have a great summer. Drink, eat, sleep, be merry and don't forget to party hearty OK. We need to go clubbing or else I'll die..." -Tash

"...I don't think I'll ever forget your bowling skills or how you always say that your purse is a bag. I must say, even tho I don't always understand the stuff you guys joke about, I thank you for ummm....enriching my knowledge. Carry our math skills with pride!" -G

"...where do I start. It's been 5 long yrs and you've been thru it all. From Andrew Keegan to W and his stupid cousin Victor to VJ and now my new love Joshua Scott Chasez. You have honestly been a true friend who has been there thru it all. You are a bright spot in my dull and shitty life. Watch the Oscars cuz you know I'll win one day. Don't worry I am not going to thank you :) (jk)...Dwarfs rule. I love you with all my heart. Esp our fights..." -Fish

"...we are finally out of this hell hole once and for all, but we must remember all the things we've done since grade 4, yes grade 4, like L, Ear, Tasha, and Vick since grade 2. Many stupid things have happened. Very STUPID. G and her driving, L and the exit sign and her goldfish and her foot hitting the soccer post, drinking drinking and more drinking, Lionel and the dead bodies on the front lawn..." -Kare

"...finally school's out and the parties can now begin. All I have to say is drink, drink, sex, and more drinks (joking). Don't take it serious cuz I don't want you next yr to be pregnant. NEway, it was a fun yr. We had lots of jokes. It's too bad you're not going with me, it would have been jokes. I'll never forget you at your bday party..." -Vick

Oh man, I should put up some of my other yearbook stuff from the other yrs. Pure gold.


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