Friday, April 09, 2004

Well I've got my voice back today :P Yesterday was some good times. Got my hair did in the afternoon...looked wicked :D I sat down to wait for L, G, and Heather cuz I was still thinkin about doin it there. L was waitin for her stylist and it was the 2 of us and some older man on the seats. He was just sittin there flippin thru a magazine and every now and then he'd look at me or L. Thought that was weird but figured he was waitin for his wife or somethin. Heather even said later on that he was kinda creepin her out, cuz only L knew that he actually worked there. I was even mouthin to her, does this guy work here?? Haha. K maybe he was the owner or somethin. While they were all bein taken care of, I went to hang up G's coat and he started makin convo about my hair...I had nice colour and maybe I should try out highlights and I said I didn't have that kinda money, haha. So then I was like, well how much is a wash and cut. He says $45. I'm like, and you can do it? He's like, yeah we can do it right now. K cool, let's go! Haha.

So my new 'stylist' is Tony, heehee. Apparently he does it all around there, haha. He did a wicked job on my lid. Got it layered and blown some nice flipped out curly ends so that was new. We were all rockin the hair yesterday :)

L was goin back to blonde so she was takin way longer than the resta us (but it "looked so good, I'd do you" LOL) I had time to get my pix developed. My few Avril ones didn't turn out all that great. Damn you ppl's heads!

We headed out for Meen's bday thing at 9:30 cuz that's what time she said. Holy crap, I played phone tag with her ALL night. Cuz that whole Q family clan takes a while to all get together and roll downtown. All her cousins, her bf, her bro, her sis, her sister's friends, Reema, her other friends, some other peeps I met once or twice, Mo, everybody. We were already downtown when I called her again and they didn't even leave home yet. So we chilled around Mink but they were still takin forever (an hr and somethin for a half hr drive) and got lost and shit so we went to Vinnie's. I couldn't hear a thing Meen was sayin on the phone cuz it was so loud in there but I made out somethin about a group of them bein outside Mink and waitin for the resta the crew to come by, so we headed for Mink again. I had just got a hot dog from the street cuz I wanted to have some food in my system so I wouldn't puke from too much alcohol later, and we were walkin over so I had to eat faster than I've ever eaten an entire hot dog.

So they were outside waitin in line and some were already inside. And I don't even wanna get into the shitty Mink drama but we had to get them to come back out cuz we were bouncin somewhere else. So that was crap. We went lookin for any other spot that'd take all 25 of us, haha. Piccadilly had their Jackass college party but we were overdressed for that. Havana and Milwaukee's had crazy lines...we were just walkin down clubland to see where we could go. It was gettin past 12. We were about to go to Milano again for the 2nd yr for Meen's bday, we like it THAT much, haha...but we lined up for some place called Bistro 333. We're like, can you take about 30?? Haha. Me and L were like err?? We're goin into a restaurant? Cuz I don't think they have a dance floor! Then we found out it was Club Menage upstairs so we were like, that's where Menage is, haha. Cuz it doesn't look like much outside. It's pretty small but it's a chill place.

Danced it up, had some drinks, took a buncha pix. I'll hafta see if I got those fool boys alright, haha. Always! WHY?? It was loud and there were so many of us so ya had to yell to be heard so that's how my voice got fucked up :P Fun times. The DJ was bad tho. The music was good but this dude couldn't beat mix for shit. I told L to get up there cuz SHE could do a better job :P

We left and everybody had to go diff ways. Me, L, and G were walkin to our parkin lot and L was bein retarded and yellin out and I told her to relax cuz it'll attract the crazies. Then I saw a scary homeless guy on the corner and I'm like, like THAT one! Then a few more in the parkin lot were there too and L's like, ah shit, haha. 1 came towards us and told us he loved us. I thought he was friendly enough but G and L the paranoids were probably thinkin he was gonna kills us. I already sensed them about to full out sprint to the car, haha. Then the guy's friend left him a Coke bottle filled with who knows what and put it on the ground. The homeless guy went towards the bottle. And they're like, yes! Go over there! Go over there! LOL Once we were in the car, I think G locked the doors quick as hell but L didn't know she already did it so she pressed it again so they unlocked and then she started to spazz and locked them again LOL Just as the guy came right up to L's window and said, hey girls, I l love probably don't believe me, but I love ya! Haha. I gave him the thumbs up. Oh man, that was pure jokes. G says to me, and you're takin your sweet time gettin in the car...I was like, finger on the door lock...holy crap, GET IN!! LOL

L and G wanted hot dogs so we stopped to get some. Me and L went to get them and these 2 dudes there said somethin like....ladies feel like havin some street meat? I didn't hear what they said and figured L got it cuz I was like, what? They were sayin they were male hookers or somethin? Hahaha. Then this Beetle with 2 guys in it rolled up to the vendor and ordered out the window like it was a drive thru McD's or somethin. It's not like it was even that cold out, I mean, we were standin out there. Lazy. They came out when theirs were done and the vendor guy was like, what did you say before? They had yelled their order and said not to burn them. They were like, oh we said not to burn them. The vendor got all like offended when he said this and was like, if you don't burn them, they're not cooked! LOL Alriiiiiight? Anyway, they turned out kinda decent cuz G wanted nasty mayo on her dog and they found it for me. They're like, here it's cuz he doesn't label it, he likes to hide it, haha. And I had to talk in my messed up croaky hoarse voice :P


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