Friday, April 02, 2004

Damn, I was still at school about when I woulda been done outta class on a normal Thurs night. And I didn't even go to class. Who would, really? Last class, when the final essay is due in 4 days...and it's open topic!

So I'm kinda tired and I'm gonna head to bed soon then start up that bad boy film due in one and a HALF days, haha...but it's been a shit these past few days practically livin at school in the LIBRARY. God I hate when all this multi-assignment crunch goes down. I won't be sleepin much and stressin for about 4 more straight days...and then nothing. Geez.

Yesterday...TTC'ing it downtown (I missed my stop at King, I'm such a loser...I sat there zoned, starin at the wall with the bigass word KING on it thinkin I needed Queen for some reason and by the time the doors closed, I was like shit, wait a minute), then walkin BLOCKS in the frickin RAIN to get to the theatre to pick up my press materials. The publicity woman I emailed about it for didn't get back to me and I was kinda worried cuz I had my shit due the next day and I didn't wanna seem like a pesty bitch. So I called her and she did know who I was and she was just busy and stuff...but she'd have my stuff in a couple hrs. I said that was cool cuz I'd probably be there by then cuz I'd hafta subway it. So the damn transit took forever and it was gettin to 5:00. When I got there, the doors were locked and I'm like, oh way. Don't even tell me I came all the way just to go home with nuthin. I could come back the next morning but she said at 9 or somethin and well...hell no. Esp since I still had work to do gettin those books done and droppin them off. I walked around to the side where the stage door is and there were a couple women havin a smoke. Thank god for smokers! They worked there and went to see if the publicity woman was still there. She just left but 1 of them found the stuff for me in her office or whatever. Thank you!

Before I hopped back on the subway, I called the playwright I'm doin for this semester's book (who I won't name) on my cell to see if he had any stuff I could use at his production company office since I was already downtown. OK I know it's last min (I'll admit I don't like doin these things and if it was any time to ask, it shoulda been a long time ago but hey), didn't hurt to try. Wow...this guy coulda been nicer. It wasn't like he was an ass but he was in no way friendly. Thanks G...glad to be doin a project on ya.

"Hi, is this so and so theatre productions?"
"And your office is at so and so Bloor West?"
"Well I was wonderin if you had any press materials at your office..."
"If you had any press materials at your office?"
"Press material."
I dunno what he said after that...somethin about not hearin me or not understandin.
"If I had any what?"
"I'm doin a research project and I was wonderin if you had anythin at your office, like promotional stuff?"
"No, I don't."
"Oh OK."
"If you write me a letter, I can send you some stuff."
"Oh OK, thank you."

He said 'what?' like he was in a BAD ass mood AND he was in a rush or somethin. He sounded like he's 1 of those fathers who you're kinda scared of, know what I mean? I'm sure he's a nice man in person or whatever but the guy was answerin me like I was 12. Like I'm supposed to know I called the right person...coulda announced it when you picked up the a regular business. A person could call the wrong number and keep talkin to ya and not even know it, ya know? Maybe it was my phone breakin up (the reception was full and it was fine on my end) or cuz I was outside (I went in a glass bus shelter tho...cut the noise to a minimum)? Dunno, but I don't think so. Ah well. End of that biz.

I got those bitchass archive books in today. That was fun, luggin around not 1 but 2 phone book-sized projects. Wed night I was printin shit for like 4 hrs and organizin and puttin papers in plastic covers til 4 am. Went to bed around 5, got up at 10 somethin. I'm surprisingly thankful for instant coffee. Finished the books up then went to school. My prof said to drop them off but if she wasn't in her office, to give them to her assistants. She wasn't around and then I was freakin cuz I couldn't find any of the other one was in the rooms they were supposed to be in, dammit! But I eventually found someone to take them for me. I was like, don't tell me it's a repeat of this...havin my work in late when it actually wasn't. She didn't say what time! :P Oh well, outta my hands...I've got nuthin to do with them anymore! Haha.

So after that, I hit the library to do research for my online film essay. Since I didn't buy the course kit or do any of the readings, I thought I should :P It's in reserves for 2 hr blocks and when I went to get it, it was already out and the lady said I'd hafta come back in 2 hrs. Fuckin hell! So I didn't have much to do til then. I was gonna call L or somethin to pass the time but I figured I should try to find somethin productive to do. So I went over my old film essay for some ideas, highlighted, checked my email, looked up some more research resources (even tho actually findin them in the stacks and lookin thru all those books would take forever and a day). I even got my discussion posts done :) No more of those!

I got the course kit (oh man, this thing musta gone thru the yrs cuz it was all busted up with pages fallin off and rubber bands around it at the sides and the top and bottom :P) and it just so happened that the readings I needed were the longest ones in the history of mankind. Before I thought I could just go photocopy what I needed but no, this article was like 50 pages long, front and back, tiny print! Motherfucker! So I wasn't gonna pay for that esp since I didn't even know if I needed all those. So I had to sit there for 2 hrs skimmin as best I could and takin notes. And I hadn't eaten a thing since before noon and it's goin on 9 hrs, so my stomach was HURTIN but I was like, dammit can't go anywhere...gotta finish this crap! And I only had those 2 hrs.

And this blog turned out super long. Ohhh this madness'll all be over with come Mon! L8r


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