Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Well it seems pretty dumb to keep writin about my daily biz when somethin like a death happens. What to say, what to say?? The funeral's on Sat. I dunno if I'll go or not. I think I wanna go for Chris cuz I didn't really know her dad even tho I've known her since the 3rd grade. But I's a funeral and all...not sure how comfortable I am with that. She said she understands that everyone's busy and such tho. Actually, I've never been to a funeral before. I hope that sweetie's doin alright still. And Eddie and Vincent too. I know it probably makes me look like a freak cuz I'm not all that upset-soundin. I'm kinda sad but I dunno...that's just how I am. I can be laughin like the day of. Is that horrible? Anyways...not much more I can say about that.

I have a headache. My presentation's over with. It actually went good, yay. Those theatre ppl in my class rock. Today's class was technically the last one for me (in actual class anyway) cuz they're goin on another field trip type thing. They're gonna see a show and I can't cuz I've got those essays to do so that's the end of that course! Too bad, I was startin to like goin to that class :P Oh man, yesterday was an interestin trek..but I don't feel like gettin into it so, yeah.

So this headache...I think it's cuz I haven't had anythin to eat in 7 me not gettin a lotta sleep since I went to bed late and got up earlier than usual. Holy crap, I was lyin in bed and all of a sudden I get a sneezin fit. Like more than usual, like 10 at a time, each one thundering. And then I did like 3 more sets of those. WTF. It got to the point where my eyes were tearin up. So I couldn't breathe outta my nose AT ALL and thus, couldn't sleep properly. Aggravating.

I left my hat in L's car :P I was runnin late and she was waitin in the car to drive me to school so in my mad dash to print all my shit, I ran out carryin my jacket, backpack, hat, and belt (I didn't even have time to put my BELT on :P). It was rainin today so I thought at least I had my hat but I bugged cuz I had no idea where it was. Losin my mind.


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