Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Happy St. Patty's Day, y'all! I'd be all about the green beer if I drank beer at all :P It's my sister's bday too. To my "J" :) Talk about a reason to drink today, hahaha.

I sat in a 2-seater on the bus but there was some nasty shit on the window seat so I took the aisle one. It got pretty full so a buncha ppl wanted to sit beside me so I looked pretty weird takin the outside seat and makin ppl say excuse me so they could get by my legs. But I guess nobody saw the crap on there cuz I had to tell like 10 ppl that they might not wanna sit there. Geez, I shoulda just moved the moment I saw it. Every person made a face, haha. But of all the ppl, it was some nicely dressed man who was like, oh that's OK and sat down :P

I hurt my hand from openin a pop bottle, sheesh. Guess it was pure fizzy cuz it was tight as hell to open. I was openin it in class and I tried to do it quietly but the prof was talkin and all the gas hissed out so I quickly twisted the cap shut. Slowly slowly...PSHHHH! OK, easy now...just open it a tinyyyy bit...PSHHHHH! She looked at me and was like, is that gonna explode? Haha. Stupid Pepsi. Pop tastes so much better flat anyway...and you get all that gas in your it makes you burp :P

I know it's about that time to crunch down on hw cuz all the finall assignments are comin up and I start to spend more time in the library. I recognize that library 'smell' and I get feelings of deja vu from semesters before :P I had to take out some books and I remembered I still have that fee for my allegedly late video so I didn't feel like dealin with that so I went to the self checkout with the machine and avoided any humans who would remind me to pay up, haha. Now I have like 8 plays to read in a week. Good times!

I better be hittin a bar tonight, if not this weekend. I'm actually somewhat considerin havin a beer. Somehow I think bein in an Irish pub askin for some girly mixed drink will get me looks.


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