Saturday, March 13, 2004

Holy hell, I knew I wouldn't end up seein Busta. Everybody's bein a big suck. These friends of mine I tell ya, useless when it comes to these things :P But really, they shouldn't put these shows all the way down at Docks or Guv cuz it's a pain gettin there. Ah well, I saved $25 plus taxi/subway.

Andrew was kinda doin somethin and I couldn't get a holda P. Girl, you need to get a cell! I still have no idea who was at Guv last night. Meen was out for Nuthead's bday, haha but I got to talk to both of them. Lionel was at a cousin's and they just finished watchin Under the Tuscan Sun and they both cried or whatever, haha. Anyway, G calls me after work and had that tone in her voice that meant somethin was kinda wrong and she gives me this cryptic thing about how she had somethin to tell me so I said she could come over. Apparently Chris already has a gf. This of course crushed her so I had to do some damage control. Which we both know is kinda messed up since she's liked him for about half a yr and has yet to even talk talk to him :P Geeeeez. So that kinda news is the only thing that makes G ask for a hug, haha. Ah, I love ya! I called her later and she went on a movie and chocolate trip so I went over to her place. She rented Matchstick Men and Under the Tuscan Sun, haha. I'm like, can we please watch Matchstick Men first? :P Good movie.

G was kinda outta her unjustifiable funk but she wasn't exactly jumpin around with a smile on her face yet so she asked me if I wanted to sleep over. I said that'd be cool but you and L are goin downtown tomorrow early and I really don't wanna get up at that time, haha. Heather's like, yeah please stay over cuz I wanna sleep tonight. I'm like, what...I don't get it. She's like, cuz G's gonna talk to me all night about Chris and I wanna get some sleep LOL


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