Friday, March 12, 2004

Long day yesterday! I got to Fairview at 3:30. The crowd wasn't too bad so I walked around stokin out a spot to stand. OMG these kinda things, really test how good your patience and restraint. I'm not 1 of those types who'd start shit, for real, I'm a nice person so I let ppl get away with some stuff sometimes...but man, I was gonna break soon :P Avril was an hr late so I was standin for about 2 hrs. No prob, I've done it before. Plus I had my CD player with drown out the random screams whenever someone remotely resembling Avril was glimpsed or a TV camera panned over. Kids were even screamin and takin pix of George from Much, who was MCing. The VJ...who cares??? Then when Av came out allllllllll the friggin cameras came out and I knew I wouldn't get a good shot (esp with the 3 tallest ppl in the world who just so happened to be standin in my line of vision) so I waited til the excitement died a bit. I only had about 4 shots left cuz I was finishin my roll but I know there's a couple where all I got was stupid ppl's heads cuz they got in the way. Oh man, there was this chick far ahead who kept her damn arms up takin pix and blockin me the WHOLE set and I was about to throw somethin at the back of her head. Lotsa security ppl tho. Fuck, I wish I was taller. And ppl all up in my space pushin and nosin in who had NO business bein this old man who you know didn't even know whotf was on stage. And everybody knows kids these days are gettin scarier...this group of Av wannabes beside me, they couldn't have been older than 12...full of fuckin attitude. If they were talkin to me, I woulda knocked them. I don't wanna sound old and I'm not shocked easily but I was like, are you for fuckin real? You're 11!! Somebody's got parenting to do, word up.

But the songs sounded good...not that it matters cuz I'm gonna ger her CD anyway. She was done at 6 so I took the subway straight to school. Some dudes on their way to the Leafs game were sittin all around me and I almost got picked up, haha. Actually got to class only 5 mins late. I didn't even get to eat anythin all day so I caved and got dinner at Wendy's at the break, even tho I vowed never to go to that one at school cuz of that $10 bill incident. But dammit, girl's gotta eat and you can't go wrong with a $3.99 combo 1 on a student budget, haha. The jerkoff who didn't know a 10 bill from a 5 wasn't there so it was OK.

I was out from 2:30 til 11:30, whew. Yay weekend. I dunno what to do tonight...P and her friends from hairstylin school are goin out for some chick's bday at Fluid. She told me to bring Andrew and go with them :P Punks, I wanna see Bustaaaaa. I don't even know what Andrew's up to. And Eamon's at Much doin MOD. Man.


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