Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Weird things happenin on the bus today. There was a woman sittin in front of me but facin the other way and she had her baby in a Snuggly so she (?) was facin me. Awwwww! It's only when you see them for yourself that you understand the awe and amazement of babies. Me, with my 99% solid mentality that I won't be havin kids, I just about changed my mind right there, haha. She looked at me with these big innocent eyes and her cute lil face just made me smile the whole time. Adorable!

And THEN there was a funeral procession comin from the other direction. It was a buncha limos followed by a lotta other cars and they had cop cars keepin the flow. One even stopped and a cop got out to stop the opposite traffic. I just sat there thinkin, wow...what this person meant to all these ppl. The time and investment that goes into the plans, this amazing service, to say goodbye just moved me this time for some reason. I was also listenin to Fuck It while I'm seein this, so this slow jam made me watery-eyed! Then I was like, am I about to CRY?? What the hell? Then I stopped myself before a tear dropped :P Dunno what all that was about, bein overly mushy/emotional. Just weird.


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