Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Well school starts again. I have a SF film take-home midterm due Thurs...ask me if I started, haha. I'm sorry, doin midterms durin spring break isn't right! But I'm thinkin of goin to the library tomorrow, REALLY GOIN.

Still gotta watch all those damn old movies. I'm doin laundry right now, haha. And I just took a shower and washed my hair 20 mins ago :P Yeah I do all my stuff at night. And I just thought I'd do a quizzy thing.

First self-purchased album: New York Undercover soundtrack...on tape! Haha
First funeral: Never been to one
First pets: Nuthin to speak of really, my family got fish and shit like that tho
First piercing: None
First big trip: Family trip thru the States when I was like 10?
Last big car ride: Drivin up to Muskoka in Aug
Last kiss: Andrew
Last good cry: I have NO idea...it's been a while, so that's good
Last movie seen: SWAT (rented), Planet of the Apes remake (on TV), The Canterville Ghost (for class :P)
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: Lasagna
Last phone call: G
Last TV show watched: Average Joe Hawaii
Last shoes worn: Skechers
Last CD played: Some mixed stuff I burned
Last item bought: A drink, nachos, game of pool :P
Last disappointment: When L called Sun night...she got mad at me but she was bein stubborn and dramatic...I dunno, I just don't like when she gets like that and I know that we're 'not talkin'...but she just needs a day or 2, haha
Last soda drank: Bottle of 7Up G didn't finish at my house Thurs
Last ice cream eaten: Those Mini Pops things (chocolate shell with vanilla ice cream inside)
Last shirt worn: My blue & white cap-sleeve PJ top?

Now I think I'll go do my nails while watchin Conan or my tapes or whatnot.


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