Friday, February 13, 2004

Frig, no standby tix for Conan :( At least it saved me the trouble of goin down there and waitin in the cold. Watchin the shows this week...maybe it's Canadians but I think it's just ppl in general...they get so star-struck, geez. OK I know it's Conan, he's doin a big time show in T.O. but damn, ppl...calm yourselves! If I was in the audience I'd be screamin and clappin too, yes, but after every single sentence that comes outta his mouth? "Toronto!" WOOOOOO! "Maple Leafs!" WOOOOO! "Dirt!" WOOOOO! Haha, idiots. And those jackasses who practically hurt themselves when the camera comes around. "Herr herr herr, I'm on TV! Look at me, I'm wavin my hands!" Really, just let the guests get in a sentence or two without 3 min waves of hootin and hollerin.

OK Fri the 13th. I'm not a superstitious person but I think I'm kinda on my toes around this day anyway. I already broke a dish. I was takin bread outta the fridge and a bowl of beans was in the way and in slo mo I watched it fall before I could react and try to catch it. Crash. Then I was just takin my glasses off my face and I dunno how but they somehow dropped from my hand and fell into the friggin sink. No broke lenses tho, whew.

Again, I'm here waitin for to be picked up so we can go to shoppin. Me and G saw Angie on Wed so that was sweet. She's only here for a week and goin back on Sun morning and she's got a lotta other ppl to see and things to do so that was pretty much the only time we could work it. It was so good tho, haven't seen her in like a yr and Wed's probably the last time in a while. I missed her! So smiley and just so...Angie! :D We stayed at Tim's for like 3 hrs til we were the only ones in there. Got all caught up on everythin in Japan, what's goin on here, checked out her ooooh Japan-exclusive cell phone. When we dropped her off, we realized we forgot to take pictures so there we were in her driveway havin a photo shoot on a cold winter night. I also hafta add that Angela doesn't let anyone in her house cuz she doesn't want anyone to see what a mess it is LOL Ever. That's why we didn't do the sensical thing and take pix inside :P She had brought us lil bags of Japanese goodies and we were takin turns hold eachother's as we took pix so Angie forgets she's still holdin G's bag and is about to go inside with it. G points and is like, uh...can I...have my bag? LOL No, I gave this to you and now I'm takin it back home LOL Ya had to be there :P
G and L were supposed to go see her again yesterday but I couldn't cuz I had class and couldn't skip it cuz the midterm questions were bein handed out. I was so bummed but turns out only G went (and for only like half an hr) cuz L's dad got in a car accident. Some woman apparently sped thru a red light goin FAST and slammed into him. He's OK but he didn't let himself get checked out first. L told me he went to WORK that night! He was bein stubborn but he is gonna go to the doctor just to be safe. So yeah, they're probably gonna sue that woman's ass. Their car is totalled. Me and L were just drivin in that car the day before...and jokin about the trick to openin the passenger door :P


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