Tuesday, February 10, 2004

So I was all ready to say oh yes, me and L finally joined a gym for real as of half an hr ago til L found somethin up with how much we were gonna pay and we said screw it. We just signed up today at Premier and all that paperwork and stuff was a chore. The facilities are a lot nicer than Goodlife and CHEAPER too. Our rep guy and the manager or somebody found a way to get us a discount (cuz we lied and said we were comin from Goodlife :P) plus 3 extra months. When he left us alone to talk about it, we were in there a good while cuz we thinkin over if we should go for it...300 somethin dollars for the yr is way less than anywhere else but still, strugglin students here...it's still a buncha money. We could pay it monthly but it'd be more and we'd still hafta pay for the whole yr. I was hopin I'd go for about 3 months and see how my funds would look for the months after those, haha. So I put it down on my credit card! :P Agh, I know I said I was done with it but hey, at least it's for the gym...it's a health thing, so there, haha.

For their insurance company thing, everybody has to do a physical session, like testin every 3 months with a trainer so measure and assess you and stuff (and it's mandatory, and you hafta pay for it). Weren't lookin forward to that. We even got hw! :P We were lookin thru the book they gave us and saw the kinda stuff they were gonna make us do, oh lord. We were sittin at Timmy's fillin out question after question (and the combo that I got to eat came with a donut and I'm like, well, *sniff sniff* can't be havin anymore of these! Damn lifestyle change! LOL). And they woulda been takin pictures, eee. And no caffeine, cigs, alcohol, etc. 24 hrs before :P
But turns out we weren't factorin in our assessment fee which is another 100 cuz we thought he said it was already included but it's not cuz L just called them, so that makes it almost 500 total. I'd pay it cuz it still makes out to around $32 a month but I don't wanna do that on my credit card. I have most of it in cash and in my bank account but it's not chequing so I can't do it those 2 ways. So we're goin back tomorrow to 'rescind' our memberships and get our money back. So close, so close. And we hafta cancel our test so we don't get charged for that too...that'd be kinda gay if we paid for it, killed ourselves runnin and jumpin and shit, and not even be goin to that gym :P But I figured I'd pretty much only need the machines and stuff til like the spring cuz I can't exactly go joggin in the snow and crap so maybe 15 months was a bit more than I needed (I'd do my cardio outside in the spring and summer for FREE).

The quest goes on for joinin a gym. Balls!


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