Saturday, February 07, 2004

Well I finally got around to watchin the resta the movie stuff...from last week :P And I should be watchin the ones on right now but I'd rather tape them and watch them later so I can fast forward like a demon whenever there's no dialogue goin on, heh. I'll be addin my discussion crap on the website anyway since I'm 2 goin on 3 weeks behind. God, this 4 hrs of movies to watch plus stuff to post takes forever.

I can now burn my own CDs, what! Yeah I know ppl have been doin this in their homes for a while now but this is me. I first didn't have a burner but then I didn't have Kazaa anymore but now the 2nd computer has both so booyah. No more waitin around to go to G's to do it :P That shit takes long too tho...I was downloadin for like 2 hrs. I had to listen to each song cuz you know how you dl a track and it's shitty or not even the right one you wanted, so I went thru a lotta crappyass files. And that friggin thing that pops up in the middle of a song and scares me to death. I'm thinkin, sweet, this one's good...then SHHHHHHHHHHWEEEEESHHHHHHH!!! That LOUD noise that sounds like internet dial-up connection. You fucker. Ah well, guess that's what ya get when it's free. Mwahahaha, no more buyin music for me! Just kiddin. That would be wrong and bad for the recording industry, haha.

Chris is Wyatt's BROTHER!!! OMG! Haha, that's a lil Charmed there. I love me my shows.

Heard from P, she always calls me wantin to go play pool, haha.

I think I'll go call L to go do somethin tonight. Hw is all relative :P


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