Friday, January 30, 2004

NOW there's a lot to do this weekend. There's Winterfest (and Winterlicious, haha...we're gonna go out for that Mexican soon), the AGO's free, I'm thinkin about goin to Mitchell's show, and still all the movies I wanna see...You Got Served, The Butterfly Effect (Ashton Kutcher in a serious role, heh), and Win a Date.

I said screw it to the whole independent study thing. My prof is takin his sweet time gettin back to me so whatever. Today's the last day to enrol in a course with permission...ah well! I don't really care about school right now :P

I feel better. I don't think I'm mad about anythin anymore, haha. Me and L are talkin so it's straight. Bein the freakin indecisive Libra she is, L tells me to leave my cell on last night so if she calls me before noon today we're goin downtown to shop. I leave it on...I get woken up by a call at like 10 somethin in the morning. It's not even her but this stupid number that keeps leavin msgs that aren't even for me. Then I couldn't go back to sleep. And we're not goin downtown after all. I made L feel bad for that, haha. Gonna hit the mall now!


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