Sunday, January 25, 2004

Wow I haven't been that mad in a long time. I spent about an hr or so typin up my piece to post for my online course, was just about to finish it. I even right-click Copied it cuz it was pretty long and I was tryin to be safe so if I accidentally closed the window or somethin, I could just paste it again. NO! I go downstairs to eat dinner....someone goes and turns the motherfuckin computer OFF. My stuff is gone. I knew some shit like this was gonna happen but not thinkin the whole damn thing was gonna be shut off, killin everythin I wrote.

See if I had blogged about it at that point it pretty much woulda been: HOLY FUCKIN SHIT MUTHERFUCKIN GODDAMN FUCKIN HELL!!!!!! WTF WTF WTF!!!!!

Or somethin like that. But I was so pissed I didn't even know what to do with myself, besides go murder somebody. So I went and got some air (some brisk cold cold air), punched a big fat stuffed frog (it was just there...I said I was sorry to it afterwards), and had a smoke. OK I caved but yo I only had a puff, that's it. God, when you don't smoke anymore, it really is gross. Good thing for me so I don't get back into it again. Anyway, as I was takin deep breaths tryin to calm myself, I was tryin to make light of the situation. I was like, OK it's not that big a deal, you're alive, be happy you're alive, there's more important things out there, haha. Yeah...I'm OK now. Let's go write that crap all over again.


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