Sunday, January 25, 2004

More PS2 (I think I'm gettin desensitized to the whole bloody beatings thing, eeps), the Leafs kicked ass :) Too bad the movie theatres up here don't play late night shows. Guess we'll watch Win a Date with Tad Hamilton on Tues. Apparently Tuesday is THE day of the week. Lemme reiterate: Cheap movie night, KFC Toonie Tues, Taco Bell Toonie Tues haha, Turkey Tues LOL, when new CDs come out, cheap long distance Tues, Pasta Night at BP...and the newest one I found, $2 lattes at Second Cup, ohhhh yeaaaaah.

I'm thinkin of paintin my room. Some shade of blue of course. L said it's the right colour for a calming effect. I just don't want my room lookin like a insane asylum with the bare white walls :P Yup, that's right, I'm takin down all the pix...and buyin new ones :) Those big huge movie-sized posters so I'll only get like 5 or 6.

Haha, new shoppin list:

Bigger hat :P
Triple 5 Soul top
Hair dye (time to get those roots)
Somethin at AE before my cash card expires on the 31st

Oh I had to talk about this freakyass dream I had a week ago. I was livin in a house with this couple that were my parents but weren't really my parents cuz they were kinda trailer-hick-old country ppl. I don't remember much of it anymore but they were fightin about somethin and my 'dad' was kind of a jerk, like this lazyass, domineerin, smokin, beer-drinkin guy. But then outta nowhere I'm out in the yard and this fuckin big BIRD comes and starts to attack me (you should all know I'm scared of birds so this is pretty damn freaky to me). My dad tho, grabs it by the feet and tries to pull it away from me. The bird's really strong and friggin determined cuz it keeps comin at me. My dad keeps catchin it and tuggin it away just as it lunges at my face. Can you say traumatized? So by that whole thing, I figure that my dad is not a bad guy at all :P

Ugh, L's makin me to to school with her tomorrow cuz apparently photocopyin is a 2 person job. Guess we should check out the other Goodlife while we're out. I WILL join a gym, frig it! I'd go to the 1 at school if it wasn't such a damn trek. Maybe I'll just go to school more days that I don't have class. The price is right...$10 :P


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