Saturday, January 24, 2004

Last night was hilarious. Milwaukee's had a longass line and it was too cold to be waitin in that shit so we hit up Fox & Fiddle, the big one downtown with 2 floors. I was the only one drinkin cuz I wasn't drivin or on meds :P Maybe it's cuz I had some alcohol, maybe I can find the smallest things funny, maybe a combo of both, but G almost made me die laughin. Well I thought it was funny! Really, really funny.

K so we all like to bag on G cuz she's the quietest (for real, she can't go louder than a certain point...I dunno, she just can't project). Let's just say if she yells, pretty much no one hears her. So me and her are goin to the bathroom downstairs and some big ol guy's standin in the way. It's kinda loud and the music's bumpin out, G's in front of me so she shouted "Excuse me!" Nuthin LOL She tried, she really did. We think the guy was kinda drunk so he wasn't really payin attention but everyone around him probably heard so that made it SUPER dry, haha! She totally yelled it and we're all just still standin there. I'm like, geez....Excuse me! and put my hand on his arm. He moved when I said it, haha. G's like, goddammit! LOL And she knew I was laughin my ass off cuz of that classic waiter incident ;) "Excuse me? Yeah OK, peace!" *Does the peace sign*

We're walkin to the bathroom and I'm still laughin about it. Didn't know someone was in there but all they heard was me crazy laughin and G tellin me to shut up, haha. G was ahead so she tried the 1st stall door but apparently she couldn't push it open, thinkin someone was in there. Somebody came outta the 2nd one so she went in there. I was waitin and the woman's like, I don't think anyone's in that one. I'm like, oh OK, and tried the door. There was a bit of resistance but all you had to do was push a lil harder LOL I'm like, G you weakling! There's nobody in there! Hahaha, that was pathetic. And that lady heard it all. When we came out, I was still laughin about it. The woman leaves and another comes in and takes the 1st stall. Then some other girl comes in and was about to try the 1st door and I told her the 2nd one was free and warned her about the door bein kinda hard. She's like, oh thought somebody might've been in there. I'm like, yeah we know LOL And that set me off again, laughin for a good min still before we left so THAT chick must've thought we were hammered too :P Ahhh...ya had to be there. I almost lost my voice.

And Fat Old Guy kept starin at L, hahaha. And she kept givin him winks and the tongue when he wasn't lookin. "Oh god! Don't ask for trouble, dammit!" LOL Oh and I bit into a jalapeno in the nachos AGAIN! Frig it.

I saw some flyer for some play up on the wall as we were leavin. I'm like, that guy's in my class. He's doin some big theatre production downtown. That's friggin cool. Next time I'll see him, I'll be like, hey saw your poster when I was comin outta the bar, haha. Hockey game? PS2? All of the above? What shall we do? Well somebody's drivin my ass cuz I'm not about to :)


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