Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Well that was fun shovelin the driveway. Snow snow snow! At least it's not that cold tho...not that it matters cuz we're supposed to stay off the roads if we can help it so that means I can't really go nowhere. Except sledding! :D In the dark!

I was debatin whether I should check my grades from 1st semster online cuz if it was bad, it'd ruin my day and I'd be completely fine with not knowin til I really needed to :P But turns out I got a C in SF film and a B in narratology....B!! Yahaaaa! Musta kicked ass on that final essay I was doin last min, haha. And I got a D on the 1st SF film essay so a final C's pretty sweet. I'm tellin ya, I was kinda scared.

Wow, there's not much to do if you gotta stay in. Guess I'll watch those FOUR hrs of classic Hollywood cinema for this week :P Or go play with the new printer/scanner thing my sis just came home with :) Man, if I had this thing when I was underage...fake IDs fo sho, haha. Finally a scanner. Booyaka, son!


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