Monday, February 09, 2004

Friggin MSN, grrr. Not only did it cut me off while I was talkin to someone and still won't let me sign in, I couldn't even check my mail when someone was sendin me somethin.

Haha, yeah I totally forgot there was a live chat for my online course tonight :P I only happened to be on the site to post my late stuff and I realized I had 15 mins left til it was done. Good thing it wasn't THAT least I still made an appearance, as if I had to work the late shift or somethin, heehee. OMG this dude kept private msg'in me and I'm like ohhhhh no, don't you even think of hittin on me or some shit, this is for school for god's sake!

I also class Wed, yeaaah! Only cuz they're goin on another field trip type thingy. Figured I'd go to that one, I might find some relevance with this time but they're doin grant writin and stuff too so not really :P Plus it's Reading Week next week so that'll be 2 weeks til I'm at that class again so I kinda feel bad. Ah well.

Conan's in town. He's so funny, saw him on MOD today. Crap it that we didn't get tix. Maybe we'll line up for day-of's this week.


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