Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Ah man, I'm startin to feel tired as hell. I couldn't sleep last night and I was like, argh I gotta be up at 11 or L's gonna bitch! Finally fell asleep around 6 am. I was OK til about an hr ago. Was just about to crash on the couch. G calls me about doin somethin tonight with Angie since she's back and I'm like, yeah we'll get me some coffee...when? She says 10 or later. I'm all, err? What time is it? She says 9 somethin. I'm like, wow I don't even know what time is it...felt like it was 11. And I'm laughin while I'm sayin this and the next thing she says is "Are you HIGH? Yeah you're high, you're high." And it's like this futile convo tryin to argue that I'm not :P I'm like, damn G! What the hell makes you think I'm high? Just cuz I was laughin? Haha...jerk.

So we got that gym thing done and over with. More paperwork and cancelling stuff. And my payment already went thru so I gotta wait til the head office refunds that back to my credit card. Craps. Plus the manager wasn't there when we went so we had over 2 hrs to kill til he came back.

We saw some girl from hs there. She was standin in the same room and I thought for a sec she looked familiar and then she went, hey I remember you! to L Totally forgot her name...or if it was her sister or not, haha. They look so much alike. Neve or somethin like that. I was gonna ask which one she was :P She looked GOOD tho. I'm guessin she works there cuz she's got the body too. Hate you lots.

OK I'm still waitin for G's ass to call me so we can jet. Haha oops, forgot to call Tony and tell him I didn't even to go school today...not like he'd remember either but hey. Ughhhh, 1 more day til I'm off for Reading Week. I'll probably check out the gym at school since our plans of goin together flopped. It's far and shit but it's super cheap and it'll gimme a reason to be at school when I don't have class so at least I might get some work done in the library. Maybe I'll try for Conan tomorrow or Fri.


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