Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Holy fuck, can you say STRESSIN?? My nerves are shot. K so I thought I'd be good and do the midterm today instead (esp cuz the makeup date's Wed next week when there's classes again [who makes midterms on Reading Week??] and by the time I get home at 7, the midterm woulda started already). So I was all ready, not havin done any of the readings but anyway...the question was easy enough. I think I did alright (workin under pressure, you know how we do). I went and sent it in a panic cuz I was cuttin way close to said it was late cuz it was like 2 mins over but it took it anyway so meh. Then I realized I sent the WRONG FUCKIN FILE cuz I got confused with the Desktop save and Rich Text File crap. When I started writin the essay, I just typed out a word and saved it and I thought I did my good copy under the same name but I sent the file that had just the 1 word on it! Motherfucker! So I FREAKED and emailed my TA and explained what happened and how much I hated computers, haha. She said I could email it to her so I think it should be OK. Otherwise, I worked 2 hrs on that one for nuthin and I'll hafta do the makeup anyway :P Always count on havin drama bein created outta somethin supposedly low key. I am DEF gonna earn my fun for the resta the break dammit. DRINK this weekend, haha.

Oh, got to ride in L's new Corolla today, haha. *Topic switch*

I was semi-conscious at noon cuz I wanted to catch Meen's call if she was goin to school today. The phone rang and I got up and picked up but it was L wantin to go to the mall. She's like, wow you're awake?? I'm like, ugh wrong person...I am now, jerk haha. So we went a-shoppin. Dropped off my film, got some coffee, bought this n' that, finally found me a belt. It's 1 of those Avril-like ones with 3 rows of metal stud thingys. L has the same 1 but I wanted it from before, I just couldn't find it in medium! Haha. I was wearin my AE jeans that got really loose in the ass somehow even tho they're petite and fit fine everywhere else so I just put the belt on right after I paid for it. Hurt my tooth rippin off the plastic taggy thing :P And L that whore bought the Triple 5 shirt I was lookin at. But I didn't wanna pay $35 for a T, plus it had a pink 5 on the back :P so I'm like fine, buy it biatch, haha.

Saw Melody from hs. She works at the place where we were lookin at rings and stuff. Talked a while. Apparently her lil sis that I sorta remember goes to my school..and is basically in the same program, haha...diff college tho.

I still have my contacts in from this afternoon. I'ma go wash my bad hat hair, haha. We're goin to the auto show tomorrow...gonna take pix of sweet rides and pretend like we own them, haha!


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