Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Avril's gonna be at Fairview tomorrow! Figures I didn't check my email yesterday and didn't see it til now. She's doin surprise mall shows and they tell you 48 hrs before she shows up so I totally didn't know she was gonna be in town tomorrow. But at 4:30...I'm so skippin class! :P Gotta find somebody to come with, and gear up some film, heh. It's weird tho, I was just postin some pix I scanned cuz I just made an online photo album and I was puttin in the ones of Avril at Fairview last yr.

And I got another email about some mystery artist who's gonna be at Guv Fri night. The clue was he had 1 of the biggest songs of 2003. No idea. Holy damn, if it's somebody big that I like and I don't go, I'll kick my ass. It's the same night Busta's at Docks too. Why, ppl, why????


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