Friday, March 05, 2004

You'll probably never see me post this early again :P I really dunno why I'm up. But I've showered, washed my hair, ate breakfast (!), checked my credit account, haha. I have a feelin I'm gonna be pretty bored today. Esp since it's all rainy out. But I guess I can always find a lot to shit, watchin L's tape of O.C. and my movies for class, downloadin for another CD, finally gettin around to organizin my room (2 stereo systems layin around, a laundry basket blockin my closet, empty cooler bottles I keep forgettin to recycle, the blankets on the floor from when G slept over on Vday, haha!).

Hmmm...L should be up...I gotta call her! Hafta tell her about my weirdo dream! (which I'll also write about later)


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