Thursday, March 04, 2004

I'm drinkin a lot this week, haha. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gettin pure smashed but I'm havin alcohol everytime I go out...which is almost everyday :P Tryin to build a tolerance here! We went to Milestone again tonight cuz L was cravin that spinach dip thing. Damn, 1 sip of my Tom Collins and she made the most hilarious face. Apparently it was sour as hell. I'm like,'re just not used to it. Then I tried it. Wooo, harsh. I think they use fresh lime juice instead of mix, haha. I was wonderin why it wasn't the usual green green colour :P Feel THAT in your mouth!

Holy crap. I was IM'ing with Meen (the big suck dropped the online film course) and she asked me about stuff about school and jobs and the summer, etc. and she told me about goin to Japan to teach english for the yr. She just about sold me. She wanted someone to go with her, and with the info I was hearin about, I'm surprised everybody wasn't jumpin on it. I'm so fuckin hyped about it now. But at the same time, it's all very 'no way, could I really leave home and live and work in Japan for the yr and actually make my own money?' Then again, I'd hafta apply and actually get thru the interview first :P So I'm gettin my hopes up and HER hopes up, haha. We'll see all seems really far away since I'm still in school and haven't even graduated yet. Crazy.


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