Sunday, March 07, 2004

I forget all that I did this weekend but here goes anyway. Haha, so I got around to fixin up my room (the bottles are still there tho :P).

Finally went out for Mexican (that wasn't Taco Bell, haha) on Sat. Some place called Bandido's. Kinda small but real real Mexican stuff, down to the decor and everybody there spoke they were super nice. None of us could really pronounce anythin on the menu. L and G didn't even know wtf they ordered LOL They got eachother's food and didn't even realize. My dinner was huge...and good :) I got a margarita that came in this cute glass with a stem like a cactus that I wanted to steal :P There was this couple the next table over that asked us, "Do you know where there's any adult stores? We're not from around here." We looked at eachother like, OMG are they seriously askin us where they can get porn or toys or shit?? Haha. But we said we didn't know. They ended up askin the hostess (who was this older woman we chatted with outside for a sec when we came in as she was havin a smoke). We heard her later tellin the other ppl workin there, "Do you know what those kids just asked me? If I knew where any adult stores were!" And LAUGHED. Then the manager or whoever came up to us after we were done and asked to take our pic cuz it's some tradition thing. We're like OK. He's like, but there's a hafta wear a sombrero. I'm like, no prob, we'll make G wear it, haha. Nope! Guy came back with like 6 so we each had to sport one.

Then we hit up Loose Moose for drinks. We were sittin and the waitress comes to take our order and only asks ME for ID! Haha, talk about dry. Goddammit! I thought I was past this. And she gave me the whole 'it's a good thing to look younger while you can' or somethin of the sort. She checks it out and is like, oh you're the same age as me! :P So that was great.

Some dude came over to us and started to chat it up cuz apparently his friends were boring or not talkin at all and thought he'd join in our conversing, haha. Stoner Steve...nice. And he actually said the 'what's 3 girls like you doin sittin by themselves...' bit. I was like, wow don't tell me you're gonna start with that tired old shit haha, cuz I thought he was gonna try to pick us up.

BTW if you didn't know already, lyin down in the backseat of a movin car after drinkin is a bigger deal than you'd think :P Sure it's fun like a carnival ride when you're makin turns but it catches up to ya, haha., went to the mall to get some hair stuff and G looked for some shoes with L's help as style consultant (neither of them like anythin the other picked up, haha), then chilled at G's a bit, then went to Milestone's AGAIN along with P and Vick. We made so much trouble for our waiter...cuz we're 'elbow girls', haha. Me and G shared a Bellini fishbowl and they were all tryin to get the donkeys and camels outta the slush (it comes with these lil coloured clear plastic figurines) and I guess he saw us look like dumbasses cuz he came over and said, "Instead of just tryin to dig them out..." and put down a plate full of donkeys and camels in every colour LOL We're lame sometimes, this I know. Oh and G came out lookin red as a tomato haha, I'm not even playin. Takes her alcohol WELL. I shouldn't talk but hey, I'm better than her :P Alcohol makes me sleepy so I was just about ready to go to bed til I took a shower and woke right up.

Oh yeah, I dyed my hair again. Somewhat red, yesss! I'll get the even more redder stuff so it'll actually show up in normal light next time.


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