Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Alright...I'm OK now! I dunno what it is lately. March was not a fun month. And the not til after the 1st week of April is it gonna get any better. God, I can't believe I woulda normally been graduatin around this time...had I gotten all my credits done by this semster :P But I will have hopefully by the summer's end. It's kinda scary now that I think about it. I've had my absolutely last classes of university last week. My dad would prefer me to go back to school and do a master's or somethin rather than takin the yr to work. I'm like, well hmm....he's payin, doesn't sound too bad...but then I was like, hell no...I know what it's like to do all those dreaded essays and shit and I thought what the hell would I be doin goin back for more of this?? Not only do I hate the idea of writin theses, I suck at it. Plus, the masters programs offered are pretty much stuff I'm not into and way outta my league like sociology and history and such. So that's not happenin at all. I was thinkin more of goin to college. I know, it's kinda backwards but lotsa ppl do it and hey, if I was goin for more schoolin, it'd be smart to get into the practical after gettin a degree in theory. But oh god, I don't even wanna think about the competition of wannabe filmmakers and tech-geeks. Esp since I'll probably hafta apply along with a new crop of hs grads wantin to get into the same program :P And they'd probably have better grades than me, ha!

So went to the library today and spent almost 4 hrs sittin at a computer and researchin periodicals. My ass hurt. All the books I woulda needed were checked out or turned out useless. Holy crap, I have no motivation to do this stuff! I gotta get my ass in gear with these damn essays! I keep remindin myself that these are the last assignments I'll hafta do and then I can enjoy myself but geez, it's hard. But at least I found out that the deadline for sendin in our online essays was bumped to Sat at noon...19 extra hrs, woo!

I came home not too long after my sister and I was in the kitchen gettin somethin to eat and she comes in wailin about how she needed somethin to drink and proceeded to hunt the fridge. "Sooooo thirsty! Water! Ooh, juice box! I need some electrolytes!" I'm like, what the hell's wrong with you? She goes on about how she's been up since 6 and took the bus home. I'm like, well awww...so did I. She's like, well I was in high heels. I say, well who told you to wear high heels? She says somethin about how you had to at work. And then she continues to wail and moan about how she's sick or somethin cuz she didn't eat anythin all day and she had wine for dinner, haha. What a jackass. I'm like, are you gonna PASS OUT? Just eat somethin! She goes in the TV room and I hear her feebly callin for me. I know her lazy ass wants me to get somethin for her. She wants the fluffy big pink pillow from the living room. If you saw what she looked like (she had a towel wrapped around her head for crap's sake), it was pretty sad. I decided to capitalize on me bein nice and gettin her the pillow so I said I wanted to watch 24 on TV. Haha, got my way. But only cuz there was "nothing else on". Then I saw her eyes and they were RED so I was like oh god, grossss! So that got her kinda self-conscious...like, are they really that red?? Hahaha. I'm like, seriously wtf's wrong with you? Do you need a doctor? LOL "I doooooo, man!" I'm like, you're WASTED! Hahaha! Good times.


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