Saturday, April 03, 2004

I'm just takin this time to say...holyyyyy crap. Another essay done tho! 1 more to go! And I'm fantasizin how much I wanna do aboslutely jack today instead of workin on that last one. I still hafta come up with a TOPIC, haha! Ugh, I'm gettin my ass kicked. Too late nights, too early mornings...and all my fault, I know but still. I got this essay submitted late too, haha...but it's technically not cuz I said my computer fucked up and it was only half an hr past the deadline...and my TA accepted it anyway! :P

So I'm up typin away and the phone rings. It's my aunt and she's been in an accident (she's fine). Of all times...and I realized, if it was more serious, then what would I say about my essay? 'I waited til a couple hrs til deadline...but then I had a family emergency!' Oh man, it woulda been hell. Good thing I was up tho, cuz everybody else was still sleepin and knowin this group, nobody woulda picked up the phone. What're the odds?

Ah I don't care, I'm stayin in and workin with what I have today...I'll go to the library tomorrow. I just wanna go back to bed right now! :P But my tummy's makin skerrrrry noises so I'm gonna jet.


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